Insecticides for Control of Soybean Aphids

Updated February 9, 2017
Economic Threshold:
The recommended threshold for late vegetative through R5 stage soybeans is 250 aphids per plant (field average) with 80% of the plants infested and populations increasing.

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*Consult product label for additional information and restrictions.

IRAC Mode of Action Classification:
  • Group 1 = Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors; 1A = Carbamates, 1B = Organophosphates
  • Group 3 = Sodium channel modulators
  • Group 4 = Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists/antagonists; 4A = Neonicotinoids, 4C = Sulfoxaflor
  • Group 28 = Ryanodine receptor modulators, Diamides
R = Restricted-Use Product

Mode Of
4A Alias 4F imidacloprid 1.5 fl oz PHI 7 days. Maximum allowed per crop season is 4.5 fl oz/acre. Minimum interval between applications is 7 days.
3 R Arctic 3.2 EC permethrin 4 - 8 fl oz PHI 60 days. Do not graze treated areas or feed forage for hay.
3 R Asana XL esfenvalerate 5.8 - 9.6 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not feed or graze livestock on treated fields.
3 R Baythroid XL cyfluthrin 2.0 - 2.8 fl oz PHI 21 days for seed. Green foliage may be fed 15 days after last application. Maximum 2.8 fl oz/acre allowed in 7 day interval, maximum 11.2 fl oz per crop season.
4A Belay clothianidin 3 - 6 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not graze or feed soybean forage and hay to livestock. Do not apply foliar treatments less than 7 days apart. Do not make foliar applications of Belay insecticide in fields treated with a neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatment(s) within 45 days after planting.
3, 28 R Besiege lambda-cyhalothrin,
5 - 8 fl oz PHI 30 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
3 R Brigade 2EC,
Fanfare 2EC
bifenthrin 2.1-6.4 fl oz PHI 18 days.
1B, 3 R Cobalt chlorpyriphos
and cyhalothrin
13 - 26 fl oz PHI 30 days. Maximum allowed per crop season is 85 fl oz/acre. Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or feed treated soybean forage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
1B, 3 R Cobalt
and lambda-cyhalothrin
11 - 26 fl oz PHI 30 days. Maximum allowed per crop season is 85 fl oz/acre. Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or feed treated soybean forage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
3 R Delta Gold 1.5 EC deltamethrin 1.5 - 2.4 fl oz PHI 21 days. Maximum allowed per crop season is 8.5 fl oz/acre. Do not allow livestock to graze treated forage, or feed treated hay to livestock.
1B Dimethoate 400 dimethoate 1 pt PHI 21 days. Maximum application rate is 0.5 lb/acre. 7 day reapplication interval.
3, 4A R Endigo ZC lambda-cyhalothrin
and thiamethoxam
3.5 - 4.0 fl oz PHI 30 days. Do not exceed a total of 9.0 fl oz per acre per growing season. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
3 R Fastac EC alpha-cyhalothrin 2.8 - 3.8 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
4A Gaucho 600 imidacloprid 1.6 - 3.2 fl oz per
cwt of seed
Do not graze or feed livestock on soybean forage or hay.
3 R Hero zeta-cypremethrin
and bifenthrin
4.0 - 10.3 oz PHI 21 days. Do not make applications less than 30 days apart. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
4A Inovate
Seed Protectant
and fungicide
seed treatments
4.74 fl oz/100 lbs seed Foliar spray of clothianidin can be applied 45 days after planting Inovate Seed Protectant treated soybean seeds for mid to late season foliar insects. Do no apply more than a total of 0.2 lb active ingredient clothianidin per acre per season. Do not graze or feed soybean forage and hay to livestock.
3, 4A R Justice acetamiprid
and bifenthrin
2.5 - 3.0 oz PHI 30 days. Do not apply more than 2 applications per season. Do not apply more than once every 7 days. Do not graze or use cut forage or hay as an animal feed.
1A R Lannate LV methomyl 0.5 - 1 pt PHI 14 days for grain. PHI 3 days for forage. PHI 12 days for hay. Do not apply more than 4.5 pts/acre during a growing season or more than 3 applications per crop.
3, 4A R Leverage 360 imidacloprid
and cyfluthrin
2.8 fl oz PHI 21 days for seed and 15 days for dry vines (hay) and green forage. Minimum of 7 day interval between applications. Maximum of 9.0 fl oz/acre per crop season.
1B R Lorsban Advanced,
Nufos 4E
chlorpyrifos 1 - 2 pts PHI 28 days. Do not apply more than 3 applications of Lorsban Advanced or other product containing chlorpyrifos per year. Limit 6 pints per acre per season. Do not make a second application of Lorsban Advanced within 14 days of the first application. Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or otherwise feed treated soybean forage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
1B R Methyl 4 EC methyl parathion 0.75 - 1 pt PHI 20 days for harvest and grazing. Do not make more than 2 applications per year.
3 R Mustang MAX EC zeta-cypermethrin 2.8 - 4.0 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed. Use higher recommended dosage for increased pest pressure, increased residual pest control or later-season applications.
1B R Orthene 90S,
Bracket 90WDG
acephate 0.83 - 1.1 lbs PHI 14 days. Air applications - 5-10 gal/acre spray solution. Ground Application - 10-50 gal/acre spray solution.
1B R Penncap-M methyl parathion 1 - 3 pts PHI 30 days for harvest or grazing. Do not make more than 2 applications per season. Do not apply more than once every 7 days.
4A Poncho/Votivo clothianidin Pre-treated seed.
0.13 mg ai/kernel
Foliar spray of clothianidin can be applied 45 days after planting PONCHO/VOTIVO treated soybean seeds for mid to late season foliar insects. Do not graze or feed soybean forage and hay to livestock.
3 R Proaxis gamma-cyhalothrin 1.92 - 3.2 fl oz PHI 45 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
3 R Respect zeta-cypermethrin 2.8 - 4.0 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw, or hay for livestock feed.
3A, 1B R Stallion zeta-cypermethrin
and chlorpyrifos
5.0 - 11.75 fl oz PHI 28 days. Do not make applications of Stallion less than 14 days apart. Do not make more than 3 applications per season. Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or otherwise feed treated soybean forage, hay, and straw to meat or dairy animals.
3A R Steed zeta-cypermethrin
and bifenthrin
3.5 - 4.7 fl oz PHI is 21 days. Do not make applications less than 30 days apart and do not apply more than 28.1 fl oz per acre per season. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed.
3A, 4A R Swagger bifenthrin and
7.6 - 12.2 fl oz PHI 18 days. Minimum interval between applications: 30 days. Apply a maximum of 2 applications per season.
4C Transform WG sulfoxaflor 0.75 - 1 fl oz PHI 7 days. Apply a maximum of 4 applications per crop.
3A, 4A R Triple Crown zeta cypermethrin,
bifenthrin and
3.5 - 4.8 fl oz PHI 21 days. Minimum application interval: 30 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed.
1B, 3 R Tundra Supreme chlorpyrifos
and bifenthrin
5.6 - 16.8 fl oz PHI 28 days. Do not allow meat or dairy animals to graze in treated areas or otherwise feed treated soybean forage, hay and straw to meat or dairy animals.
3 R Warrior w/
Zeon Technology,
1.92 - 3.20 fl oz PHI 30 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed.
3 R Warrior II w/
Zeon Technology
0.96 - 1.60 fl oz PHI 30 days. Do not graze or harvest treated soybean forage, straw or hay for livestock feed.