2024 BugFest aligns with Discovery Days on August 10
For the third year in a row, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Entomology Department is aligning its annual BugFest open house with the East Campus Discovery Days and Farmer's Market. This year's 2024 BugFest will be held on Sat., Aug. 10, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Entomology Hall.
The East Campus Discovery Days and Farmer's Market offers a wide variety of educational and entertaining booths throughout the university's East Campus Mall, including in front of Entomology Hall. So no extra travel or effort is needed to join BugFest for Discovery Days attendees. BugFest is designed to appeal to learners of all ages who love insects or science.
BugFest will offer educational exhibits and programs inside and outside of Entomology Hall. It made sense to combine the two events, according to Dr. Doug Golick, associate professor of Entomology and this year's BugFest coordinator.
"BugFest is a standing UNL and Department of Entomology tradition," said Dr. John Ruberson, Department Head for the Entomology Department. "We're especially pleased to hold BugFest 2024 in partnership with the final East Campus Discovery Days and Farmers' Market of the summer." Ruberson invited insect enthusiasts to stop by Entomology Hall classrooms to see insect-related displays, games, and educational activities.
Visitors will learn about Nebraska insects, bee biology and how to draw insects. There will also be booths and tables featuring the department's Insect Zoo, Nebraska insects (including the endangered Salt Creek Tiger Beetle), Arthropod Vectors of Plant Pathogens, Honey Extraction, Insect Scientific Illustration, Domestipups, Mosquitoes - Good and Bad, Plant-Insect Interactions, Insect Science Club, Bruner Club, and Bee Observation Hive.
This free event is an opportunity to learn from entomology students, faculty and staff. Parking is available at the north of Entomology Hall, East Campus Recreation Center and east of the Dairy Store.