Entomology Outreach

UNL Entomology Outreach Kit Check-Out Form for K-12 Teachers

Thank you for your interest in using outreach kits/live arthropods from the UNL Entomology Department! Please complete the online form below to request an Entomology graduate student presenters and/or one of our many kits (described on this page). Please allow 1-2 weeks for a response from the volunteer Entomology graduate students as they are often busy with classes, field work and research. 

1 Start 2 Review 3 Complete
Date Kit(s) Needed
I request that an Entomology graduate student present the kit information. The Department of Entomology has a number of ready-made kits available for check-out that can be used to conduct your own insect programs. Required
Date of Event
I would like to check out the following kits (check all that apply): Required