Take a Virtual Tour of the UNL Entomology Department, located in Entomology Hall on East Campus. Also click on the links below to learn more about its faculty and staff.
Dr. Kyle Koch, Insect Identification and Photographic Media Lab
First Floor
Dr. John Ruberson, dept. head 103B Conference Room Mail Room Classroom/Seminar Room Growth/Rearing Room Vector Ecology Ecology and Pest Management Lab |
Second Floor
Seminar/Teaching Classroom Room 202 Graduate Student Offices Dr. Shripat Kamble, emeriti |
Third Floor
Dr. Jerry Zhu, adjunct Integrative Physiology Lab (306) Tissue Lab |
The department also has faculty and labs located outside Entomology Hall. Read more about our off-site faculty and locations here:
Dr. Jeff Bradshaw, Director of the Dr. of Plant Health Program
Dr. Julie Peterson
Dr. Susan Weller
Bioassay lab in Plant Sciences Hall
University of Nebraska State Museum