Insecticide Treatments for Western Bean Cutworm in Field Corn

Updated February 14, 2017

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*Consult procuct label for specific information and restrictions.

NebGuide G2103, Western Bean Cutworm in Corn and Dry Beans

IRAC Mode of Action Classification:
  • Group 1 = Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors; 1A = Carbamates, 1B = Organophosphates
  • Group 3 = Sodium channel modulators
  • Group 5 = Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists (allosteric), Spinosyns
  • Group 18 = Ecdysone agonists/moulting disruptors; 18A = Diacylhydrazines
  • Group 28 = Ryanodine receptor modulators, Diamides
R = Restricted-Use Product

Mode Of
3 R
Ambush 2EC
3.2-6.4 fl oz
PHI 30 days for grain or fodder (stover). Forage may be harvested on the day of application.
3 R Arctic 3.2EC permethrin 2-4 fl oz PHI 30 days for harvest of grain or fodder (stover). Forage may be harvested on the day of application.
3 R Asana XL esfenvalerate 2.9-5.8 fl oz PHI 21 days. Apply before larvae enter the ear.
3 R Baythroid XL,
cyfluthrin 1.6-2.8 fl oz PHI 21 days for grain or fodder and 0 days for green forage.
28 Belt SC flubendiamide 2-3 fl oz PHI 1 day for green forage and silage and 28 days for grain or stover.
3, 28 R Besiege lambda-cyhalothrin,
5-10 fl oz PHI 21 days. Do not feed treated corn fodder or silage to meat or dairy animals within 21 days after last treatment. For control before the larva bores into the plant stalk or ear.
3 R Brigade 2EC,
Fanfare 2EC,
Bifenture EC,
Discipline 2EC,
Tundra EC
bifenthrin 2.1-6.4 fl oz PHI 30 days.PHI 30 days. Do not graze livestock in treated area or cut treated crops for feed within 30 days of treatment.
1B, 3 R Cobalt chlorpyrifos and
gamma cyhalothrin
13-26 fl oz PHI 21 days for grain, ears, forage or fodder.
1B, 3 R Cobalt Advanced chlorpyrifos and
gamma cyhalothrin
11-26 fl oz PHI 21 days for grain, ears, forage or fodder.
28 Coragen rynaxypry 3.5-7.5 fl oz PHI 14 days.
3 R Declare gamma-cyhalothrin 0.77-1.28 fl oz PHI 21 days for grain, livestock grazing or silage harvest.
3 R Fastac EC alpha-cypermethrin 1.8-3.8 fl oz For control before the larva bores into the plant stalk or ear. PHI 30 days for grain and stover. PHI 60 days for forage.
3 R Hero zeta-cypermethrin
and bifenthrin
2.6-6.1 fl oz PHI 30 days for grain or stover and 60 days for forage. Do not graze livestock in treated areas or cut treated crops for feed within 30 days of the last application.
18A Intrepid 2F methoxyfenozide 4-16 fl oz PHI 21 days.
1B R Lorsban Advanced,
Lorsban 4E,
Govern 4E,
Nufos 4E,
Yuma 4E
chlorpyrifos 1-2 pts PHI 21 days before harvest of grain, ears, forage or fodder.
3 R Mustang Maxx,
zeta-cypermethrin 1.76-4.0 fl oz Apply before the larvae enter the ear. PHI 30 days for grain and stover. PHI 60 days for forage.
1B R Penncap-M microencapsulated
methyl parathion
2-4 pts PHI 12 days for harvest, forage and grazing.
3 R Pounce 25WP permethrin 3.2-6.4 oz PHI 30 days for grain or fodder.
28 Prevathon chlorantraniliprole 14-20 fl oz PHI 14 days for harvest of ears and 1 day for forage, fodder, silage or stover.
3 R Proaxis gamma-cyhalothrin 1.92-3.20 fl oz For control before larvae enter the ear. PHI 21 days.
5 Radiant SC spinetoram 3-6 fl oz Apply broadcast or direct spray to ear zone. PHI 28 days for grain and 3 days for fodder or forage.
1A Sevin XLR Plus carbaryl 2 qts PHI 48 days for grain or fodder and 14 for forage or silage.
3 R Silencer lamba-cyhalothrin 1.92-3.20 fl oz PHI 21 days.
1B, 3 R Stallion chlorpyrifos and
5-11.75 fl oz For control before the larva bores into the ear. PHI 30 days for grain or stover and 60 days for forage.
3 R Steed zeta-cypermethrin
and bifenthrin
2.5-3.5 fl oz PHI 30 days for grain or stover and 60 days for forage. Do not graze livestock in treated areas or cut treated crops for feed within 30 days of the last application.
5 R Tracer spinosad 2-3 fl oz PHI 28 days for grain and 3 days for fodder or forage harvest.
1B, 3 R Tundra Supreme chlorpyrifos
and bifenthrin
5.6-16.8 fl oz PHI 30 days for grain and silage.
3 R Warrior w/
Zeon Technology
lambda-cyhalothrin 1.92-3.20 fl oz For control before the larvae bores into the ear. PHI 21 days for harvest, grazing or cutting treated crops for feed.
3 R Warrior II w/
Zeon Technology
lambda-cyhalothrin 1.28-1.92 fl oz For control before the larvae bores into the ear. PHI 21 days for harvest, grazing or cutting treated crops for feed.