Department Awards

Entomology Department Awards & Recognition

2024 Entomology Faculty Awards and Recognition Award

New faculty memberPin-Chu LaiPin-Chu Lai accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Integrated Pest Management at the Panhandle, Research, Extension and Education Center (PHREEC) in Scottsbluff.Dr. Pin-Chu Lai was named an assistant professor of entomology at the Panhandle, Research, Extension and Education Center (PHREEC) in Scottsbluff. Welcome Dr. Lai!
PromotionDoug GolickDoug Golick was promoted to full professor of Entomology. Dr. Doug Golick was promoted to full professor of Entomology. 
PromotionJustin McMechanJustin McMechan was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor of Entomology. Dr. Justin McMechan was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor of Entomology. 
ElectedTroy AndersonTroy Anderson was elected to the American Committee on Medical Entomology (ACME) Council in the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.Dr. Troy Anderson was elected to the American Committee on Medical Entomology (ACME) Council in the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
ElectedGary BrewerGary Brewer was elected as an Honorary Member of the Entomological Society of America.Dr. Gary Brewer was elected as an Honorary Member of the Entomological Society of America.
AwardDoug GolickDoug Golick received the 2024 Educational Project Award, Certified Entomologists of Mid-AmericaDr. Doug Golick received the 2024 Educational Project Award, Certified Entomologists of Mid-America.
ElectedPritha KunduPritha Kundu was selected as President for the UNL Collective Research Organization of Plant Scientists (CROPS) board.Dr. Pritha Kundu was selected as President for the UNL Collective Research Organization of Plant Scientists (CROPS) board.
AppointmentLouise Lynch-O'BrienLouise Lynch-O’Brien was appointed a Fellow to the National Strategic Research Institute.Dr. Louise Lynch-O’Brien was appointed a Fellow to the National Strategic Research Institute.
AwardJulie PetersonJulie Peterson was named 1 of 2 recipients of the North Central Cooperative Extension Assoc’s 2024 Excellence in Extension Award.Dr. Julie Peterson was named 1 of 2 recipients of the North Central Cooperative Extension Assoc’s 2024 Excellence in Extension Award.
AwardLise PingaultLise Pingault was awarded a competitive grant from the UNL Center for Transformative Teaching.Dr. Lise Pingault was awarded a competitive grant from the UNL Center for Transformative Teaching.
AwardLeslie RaultLeslie Rault was awarded a competitive grant from the UNL Center for Transformative Teaching.Dr. Leslie Rault was awarded a competitive grant from the UNL Center for Transformative Teaching.
AppointmentJohn RubersonJohn Ruberson was appointed a Fellow to the National Strategic Research Institute.Dr. John Ruberson was appointed a Fellow to the National Strategic Research Institute.
Selected as memberAna VélezAna Vélez was selected as a member of the 2024-25 cohort of the UNL Research Leaders Program.Dr. Ana Vélez was selected as a member of the 2024-25 cohort of the UNL Research Leaders Program.




2024 Entomology Graduate Student Awards and Recognition

Bayer Mentorship programSanket Shinde, Ph.D. student mentored by Dr. Joe Louis.Sanket Shinde was welcomed to the 2024 Bayor Mentorship program.Sanket Shinde was welcomed to the 2024 Bayor Mentorship program. He will participate in a 2024 internship with Bayer over the summer.


2023 Department Awards & Recognition

New administrative appointmentJulie PetersonJulie Peterson was named Associate Director of the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center (WCREEC) in North Platte.Julie Peterson was named Associate Director of the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center (WCREEC) in North Platte.
RetirementLance MeinkeLance Meinke has retired from being an active faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. Lance Meinke has retired from being an active faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. 
RetirementBrett RatcliffeBrett Ratcliffe has retired from being an active faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. Brett Ratcliffe has retired from being an active faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. 
Service AwardsBrett Ratcliffe, Bob Wright, Doug Golick, and Joe LouisFour Entomology Faculty members were recognized for their years of service this year: Brett Ratcliffe, Bob Wright, Doug Golick, and Joe Louis.Four Entomology Faculty members were recognized for their years of service this year: Brett Ratcliffe (55 years), Bob Wright (35 years), Doug Golick (20 years), and Joe Louis (10 years).
ElectedAna VelezAna Velez was elected vice president-elect of the Physiology, Biochemistry & Toxicology Section of the ESA.Ana Velez was elected vice president-elect of the Physiology, Biochemistry & Toxicology Section of the Entomological Society of America (ESA).
RetirementGary HeinGary Hein has retired from being an active faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. Gary Hein has retired from being an active Entomology faculty member and was approved for emeriti status. 
AwardJoe LouisJoe Louis was selected the 2023 UNL Outstanding Postdoc Mentor Award.Congratulations to Dr. Joe Louis for being selected as the 2023 UNL Outstanding Postdoc Mentor Award.
PublicityJulie PetersonJulie Peterson was quoted in the May 15th issue of Knowable Magazine about Bt crops keeping agricultural pests at bay.Julie Peterson, Entomology Dept., was quoted in a May 15 Knowable article titled “The ever-tenuous success of plants engineered to kill insect foes.” Peterson is among scientists who are disturbed to see the caterpillar-killing toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis so quickly squandered. “Seeing resistance now to these traits can be quite disheartening, because there’s so much promise” for reducing insecticide use, she said.
PromotedTroy Anderson, Julie Peterson and Ana Velez Troy Anderson, Julie Peterson and Ana Velez were all recommended for promotion by the IANR Vice Chancellor and UNL Chancellor.

Drs. Troy Anderson, Julie Peterson and Ana Velez were all recommended for promotion to the Board of Regents by the IANR Vice Chancellor and UNL Chancellor.

  • Troy Anderson was promoted from Associate Professor to Professor
  • Julie Peterson was promoted from Associate Professor to Professor
  • Ana Velez was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure.