Order Neuroptera - Lacewings, Antlions, and Dobsonflies


The Neuroptera have two pairs of wings that are of equal size and usually have many veins.  They are typically held rooflike over their body.  The antennae are relatively long and they have chewing mouhparts.  Most Neuroptera are predaceous, both as larvae and adults.  Some larvae are aquatic and the adults generally live near water while others are entirely terrestrial.  

Green (Common)Lacewings
Lacewings eggs are laid at the end of a silk stalk on foliage.  The larvae are predaceous on soft-bodied insects.  The adults are typically green in color with copperlike eyes.  The brown lacewings are closely related to the green lacewings.  As their name implies, they are typically brown in color, but also smaller than green lacewings with different wing venation.


As adults, the antlions resemble damselflies, but they have longer clubbed antennae and different wing venation.  Many of the larvae wait for prey in sand pits while some will actually chase prey on the surface. 


Dobsonflies are large insects that are generally found near water as the larvae are aquatic, typically found beneath stones in streams.  The larvae are often referred to as hellgrammites and are commonly used as fish bait.  The males of some dobsonflies have extremely long mandibles