Dr. Doug Golick
Professor Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
UNL Entomology Department
216 ENTO Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, - Phone
Dr. Doug Golick is a Professor of Entomology with a Teaching and Extension appointment. He is interested in Science Education, Human Dimensions of Beneficial Insect Systems, and Insect Conservation. Golick regularly teaches ENTO 810 Insects as Educational Tools, ENTO/ALEC 830 Introduction to the Development of Distance Education, and Scientific Presentation Methods.
80% Teaching, 20% Extension
Research Areas
Ph.D. Educational Studies, Emphasis Instructional Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (December 2005). Dissertation: Enhancement of Student Performance With Web-based Exercises: Does it work for insect identification?M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis Instructional Technology, Minor Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (May 2001).B.S. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (May 1999).
Professional Responsibilities and Activities
Research and Teaching Interests:
- Using insects as a model for engaging students and teachers in science teaching
- Use of insect systems and conservation to improve science literacy
- Using arthropods to teach systems-thinking
- Pollinator education and conservation programming
- Citizen science programming
- Survey developmentCourses Instructed:
- ENTO 810: Insects as Educational Tools. Graduate Level Course, Distance Delivered.
- ENTO/ALEC 830: Introduction to the Development of Distance Education Courses. Graduate Level Course, Distance Delivered.
- ENTO 915: Presentation Methods. Graduate Level Course, Distance Delivered.
- Introduction to Entomology Lab, Undergraduate.Service:
- University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member
- UNL Faculty Senate Member
- IANR College Curriculum Committee Member
- University Curriculum Committee College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Representative (2022- 2024)
- President, Nebraska Academy of Sciences (2018-2019, Interim Vice President 2023)-Entomological Society of America Education FIT Member Pilot Section, SOP Chair (2023-2025).
- Chair, Entomological Society of America Education and Outreach Committee (2019-2020)- Awards
- 2022 North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2020 UNL CASNR College Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2017 APLU Innovative Teaching Award
- 2015 Innovative Extension Specialist Award
Representative Publications:
- Higley, L. G., Golick, D., & Higley, P. (2023). Ewe… Dung Beetles and Poop: A Nutrient Cycling and Population Ecology Lesson for Elementary Students. American Entomologist, 69(4), 28-31. https://doi.org/10.1093/ae/tmad058
- Osborn, L., Hoback, W., Parkison, A., & Golick, D. (2023). Science Education Through Creative Writing: A Case Study Using Entomology. NACTA Journal, 67, 33.
- Da Silva, K. F., Burnham, E., Louis, J., Golick, D., & Everhart, S. (2023). Nationwide assessment of leadership development for graduate students in the agricultural plant sciences. PLOS ONE, 18(4), e0279216. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0279216
- Jimenez, P. C., Golick, D., Couch, B. A., & Dauer, J. M. (2022). Developing and evaluating a pollination systems knowledge assessment in a multidisciplinary course. International Journal of STEM Education, 9(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-022-00368-6
- Golick, D., Hoback, W.W., Knowlton, E., and Shufran, A. (2021). Debugging Misconceptions About Arthropods. American Entomologist, 67(4), 32-39. https://doi.org/10.1093/ae/tmab072
- Lynch-O’Brien, L. I., Babchuk, W. A., Dauer, J. M., Heng-Moss, T., & Golick, D. (2021). Transference of Citizen Science Program Impacts: A Theory Grounded in Public Participation in Scientific Research. Diversity, 13(8), 339.
- Gosselin, D., and Golick, D. (2020). Posters As An Effective Assessment Tool For a Capstone Course. J Environ Stud Sci. 10:2 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13412-020-00612-x.
- Bertsch, B., Hemstra, J. and Golick, D. (2020). Preparing to Cocreate: Using Learning Circles to Ready Extension Professionals for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement. Journal of Extension, v58 (3), Feature v58-3a1. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1259059.
- Westerhold, C. M., Wortman, S., Todd, K., & Golick, D. (2018). Knowledge of Pollinator Conservation and Associated Plant Recommendations in the Horticultural Retail Industry. HortTechnology, 28(4), 529-535. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH03973-18.
- Ingram, E., and Golick, D. (2018). The Six-Legged Subject: A Survey of Secondary Science Teachers’ Incorporation of Insects into U.S. Life Science Instruction, Insects. 9 (1). http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4450/9/1/32
- Lynch, L., Dauer, J. Babchuk, W., Heng-Moss, T. and Golick, D. (2018). In Their Own Words: The Significance of Participant Perceptions in Assessing Entomology Citizen Science Learning Outcomes Using a Mixed Methods Approach. Insects. 9(1). http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4450/9/1/16
- Vickrey, T., Golick, D., Stains, M. (2018). Educational technologies and instructional practices in agricultural sciences: Leveraging the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to critically review the literature. NACTA Journal 62(1).
- Archibald, W., Bradshaw, J., Golick, D., Wright, R. and Peterson, J. (2017). Nebraska growers’ and crop consultants’ knowledge and implementation of integrated pest management of western bean cutworm Striacosta albicosta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 9(1): 1-7.
- Troupe, G., Peterson, A.M., Golick, D., Turnbull, S., Lee, D. (2017). Improving genetic engineering secondary education through a classroom-ready online resource. Journal of Food Information Technology. 0(0) (Online) 1-18 pp https://doi.org/10.1080/10496505.2017.1353915
- Golick, D., Dauer, J., Lynch, L., & Ingram, E. (2017). A framework for pollination systems thinking and conservation. Environmental Education Research, 1-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2017.1349878
- Troupe, G., Golick, D., and Lee, D. (2016). Genetic engineering online lesson leads to increased knowledge and more accepting student attitudes. NACTA Journal. 60(2), 167-175.
- Golick, D. & Heng-Moss, T. (2013) Insects as Educational Tools: An online course teaching the use of insects as instructional tools. American Entomologist. Entomological Society of America. 59:3 183-187. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/entomologyfacpub/351/
- Golick, D., Heng-Moss, T., Steckelberg, A., Higley, L., Brooks, D., & Fowler, D. (2013). Using Web-based Key Character and Classification Instruction for Teaching Undergraduate Students Insect Identification. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(4), 509-521. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-012-9410-z
Golick, D., Heng-Moss, T., & Ellis, M. (2010). Using Insects to Promote Science Inquiry in Elementary Classrooms. NACTA Journal 54:3.
Grants Received:
- $489,696 - Golick, D. (PI), Velez, A., Brewer, G., Anderson, T., Louis, J., Wu-Smart, J., McMechan, J., Weissling, T., Peterson, J., Smart, A., Lynch-O’Brien, L., Bingham, G., Rault, L., & Mondal, S., Growing the Next Generation of STEM Professionals Using Integrated Insect-Plant Research and Extension Experiences NIFA-USDA REEU. (2024-2029)
- $449,865 – NSF-DRK12 - Enhancing Early Childhood Educators Reflective Practice and Content Knowledge to Increase Children’s Capacity for Science Talk. PI Hong, S-Y., Golick, D. (CoPI), Werth, L., & Deepika, M. (2023-2028)
- $87,000 ($640,000 total) - Sustainable Community Projects. Kreihbel, M. (PI), Barker, B., Golick, D. (CoPI) & Wonch-Hill, T. M-TECH. ($640,000) proposed 2024-2029. Credit = 25%, Actual effort = 25
- $10,472(Y1), $10,720(Y2) – Nebraska Soybean Board (2023-2024, Renewal IP). Golick, D. (PI) & McMechan, J. Surveying Soybean Grower's Understanding of Emerging Pests to Inform Research and Extension.
- $100,000 - EPA (2019-2022). - Wright, R. and Golick, D. (CoPI), Wu-Smart, J., Weissling, T., Peterson, J. McMechan, J., Hunt, T., Bradshaw, J. Developing Conservation Skills in Students through Beneficial Insect Protection in Community Agroecosystems.
- $55,163 ($137,500 total)– Nebraska Bumble Bee Atlas (2019-2021). Golick, D. (PI), Keshwani, J., and Weissling., Milkweed in the Classroom.
- $115,628 - SARE (2017-2020) Golick, D. (PI), Wu-Smart, J., Starkweather, K., Fras, Wyatt. Honey bee on the farm: Connecting women beekeepers and farmers for environmental and economic benefits.
- $300,000 - Hatch Internal (2016-2020) Wu-Smart, J. (PI), Golick, D. (CoPI), Weissling, T., Peterson, J., Koehler
- Cole, K., Banerjee, S., IC-1792, Grant, NE1501: Sustainable landscape solutions to reduce pesticide exposure and promote the establishment of beneficial insect and pollinator communities in agricultural areas
- $238,500 - NIFA (2016-2018) Hein, G. (PI), Lee, D. Everhart, S. et. al. Golick, D. (CoPI), Bridging the Gap: Educating multidisciplinary professionals to steward pest management technologies for sustainable agriculture.
- $364,520 - Nebraska Environmental Trust (2015-2017) Golick, D. (PI) and Evertson, J. Community as Habitat: Nebraska communities supporting pollinators and landscape diversity through native water-wise plant habitat.
- $149,999 - Monsanto (2014-2017) Golick, D. (PI), Wright, R., Meinke, L., Seigfried, B., Miller, N., Hunt, T., Hein, G., and Lee, D. Teaching corn rootworm resistance management strategies through interactive mobile and web-based educational modules.
- $48,283 - Nebraska Environmental Trust (2013-2017) Golick, D. (PI), Ellis, M., Weissling, T. and Lynch, L. Pollinator habitat for rural areas.
- $6,345 - Kickstarter.com (2013) Golick, D. (PI), and Weissling, T. (2013) Bumble Boosters designing a better bumble bee domicile. Kickstarter.com
- $1,990,273 - NSF WIDER (2013-2017) Perez, L. (PI), Arthurs, L., Couch, B. Golick, D. (SP/CP), Heaton, R., Lee, K., Stains, M. Adopting research-based instructional strategies for enhancing STEM education.
- $3,375,000 - Department of Agriculture - AFRI. (2012-2018), Hein, G., et. al. Golick, D. (CoPI) Mite-Virus disease complex in wheat: A predictive model.