Dr. Jeff Bradshaw
Professor and Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program Entomology, Dr. of Plant Health University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Dr. of Plant Health
279D PLSH, Lincoln, NE 68583-0915, - Phone
Professional Responsibilities and Activities
- Administration:
Responsible for directing and managing the Doctor of Plant Health Program offered at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The mission of the Doctor of Plant Health Program (https://dph.unl.edu/) at UNL is to produce plant practitioners who are broadly trained in the various disciplines that impact plant health and plant management. These practitioners will be capable of integrating this broad training to diagnose and solve plant health problems and to develop plant management systems that maximize the system's economic, environmental and social sustainability - Research:
Responsible for IPM and arthropod applied ecology in dryland crops and agroecosystems. Current research focuses on understanding and solving pest management challenges in cereal crops and sunflower. - Teaching:
Instructor for Pest Management Systems. - Major Project Activities:
- Evaluating the role of soil arthropods in soil health
- Development of IPM strategies in sunflower
- Developing a team-based approach to wheat stem sawfly solutions in wheat
- A.A.S. - Biology - Illinois Central College, 1996
- B.A. - Zoology - Southern Illinois University, 1998
- M.S. - Zoology - Southern Illinois University, 2001
- Ph.D. - Entomology & Plant Pathology - Iowa State University, 2007
- Evans, K. S., M. Mamo, A. Wingeyer, W. H. Schacht, K. M. Eskridge, J. Bradshaw, and D. Ginting. 2019. Soil Fauna Accelerate Dung Pat Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling into Grassland Soil. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 72(4): p. 668-677. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.01.008
- Koch. K. G., E. Scully, N. Palmer, S. Geib, G. Sarath, T. Heng-Moss, J. Bradshaw. 2019. Divergent Switchgrass Cultivars Modify Cereal Aphid Transcriptomes. Journal of Economic Entomology. Toz053. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toz053
- Montezano, D. G., T. Hunt, D. Souza, B. Vieira, A. M. Vélez Arango, G. Kruger, S. Zukoff, N., J. Bradshaw, J. A. Peterson. 2019. Bifenthrin baseline susceptibility and evaluation of simulated aerial applications in Striacosta albicosta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(6), 2915–2922.
- Palmer, N. A., S. Basu, T. Heng-Moss, J. D. Bradshaw, G. Sarath, and J. Louis. 2019. Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) feeding elicits differential defense responses in upland and lowland switchgrass. PLOS ONE 14(6). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0218352
- Bradshaw, J.D., K. H. Jenkins, S. D. Whipple. 2018. Impact of Grasshopper Control on Forage Quality and Availability in Western Nebraska. 40(3): p. 71-76.
- Koch, K., T. Donze-Reiner, L. M. Baird, J. Louis, K. Amundsen, G. Sarath, J. Bradshaw, and T. Heng-Moss. 2018. Evaluation of Greenbug and Yellow Sugarcane Aphid Feeding Behavior on Resistant and Susceptible Switchgrass Cultivars. BioEnergy Research, Volume 11(3): 480–490. DOI: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12155-018-9914-3
- Mallinger, R. E., J.D. Bradshaw, A. J. Varenhorst, and J. R. Prasifka. 2018. Native Solitary Bees Provide Economically Significant Pollination Services to Confection Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) (Asterales: Asteraceae) Grown Across the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Economic Entomology, toy322. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toy322
- Pretorius, J. R., G. Hein, E. E. Blankenship, F. F. Purrington, R. G. Wilson, and J.D. Bradshaw. 2018. Comparing the Effects of Two Tillage Operations on Beneficial Epigeal Arthropod Communities and Their Associated Ecosystem Services in Sugar Beets. Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 111(6): 2617–263. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toy285
- Archibald, W. R., J. D. Bradshaw, D. A. Golick, R. J. Wright, and J. A. Peterson. 2017. Nebraska Growers’ and Crop Consultants’ Knowledge and Implementation of Integrated Pest Management of Western Bean Cutworm. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 9: 1-7.
- Donze-Reiner, T., Palmer, N. A., Scully, E. D., Prochaska, T. J., Koch, K. G., Heng-Moss, T., Bradshaw, J., Twigg, P., Amundsen, K., Sattler, S. E., Sarath, G. 2017. Transcriptional analysis of defense mechanisms in upland tetraploid switchgrass to greenbugs. BMC Plant Biology, 17, 46. DOI: https://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-017-0998-2
- Hergert, G., M. Darapuneni, R. Wilson, R. Harveson, J. Bradshaw, and R. Nielsen. 2017. Agronomic potential of using precipitated calcium carbonate on early plant growth and soil quality in the intermountain west – greenhouse studies. Journal of Sugar Beet Research. 54: 35-49.
- Prasifka, J., J. Bradshaw, and R. Aiken. 2017. Reassessment of Resistance to Sunflower Stem Weevil, Cylindrocopturus adspersus LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Cultivated Sunflower Germplasm. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 90(3):204-210. DOI: http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.2317/0022-8567-90.3.2048567-90.3.204
- Pretorius, R., G. Hein, E. Blankenship, F. Purrington, J. Bradshaw. 2017. Response of Pemphigus betae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Beneficial Epigeal Arthropod Communities to Sugarbeet Plant Density and Seed-Applied Insecticide in Western Nebraska. Environmental Entomology. 46: 107-117. DOI: https://academic.oup.com/ee/article/46/1/107/2977298
- Wang, H., C. Zhang, Y. Dou, B. Yu, Y. Liu, T. Heng-Moss, G. Lu, M. Wachholtz, J. Bradshaw, P. Twigg, E. Scully, N. Palmer, G. Sarath. 2017. Insect and plant-derived miRNAs in greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) and yellow sugarcane aphid (Sipha flava) revealed by deep sequencing. Gene. 599: 68-77. DOI: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378111916308897
- Bradshaw, J., J. R. Prasifka, J. J. Knodel, and J. P. Michaud. 2016. Part II. Insect Pests. In Harveson, R. M., S. G. Markell, C. C. Block, and T. J. Gulya [Eds.], Compendium of Sunflower Diseases and Pests. 140 pp.
Awards and Honors
- Innovative Extension Specialist, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Jeff Bradshaw. 2016.
- Courtesy Appointment, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Department of Plant Pathology. Jeff Bradshaw. 2012.
- Outstanding Postdoc Mentor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Jeff Bradshaw. 2012.
- Distinguished Extension New Employee, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Jeff Bradshaw. 2011.
Research Areas
- Biological Control
- Field Crops Entomology
- Insect Ecology
- Insect Pest Management
- International Agriculture
- Plant Resistance to Insects
- Plant-Insect Interactions
- Sustainable Agriculture
Professional Society Memberships
- Entomological Society of America (ESA)
- American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists
- Weed Science Society of America
Notable distinctions
- President of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America