Dr. Lance J. Meinke
Emeritus Professor Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
University of Nebraska-LIncoln Department of Entomology
1700 East Campus Mall, 109B ENTO Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, - Phone
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During his career, Dr. Lance Meinke was focused on the biology, ecology, and management of Diabrotica (beetles & rootworms) species, particularly in field corn. Most recently, he taught two Entomology courses: ENTO 400 Biology & Classification of Insects and ENTO 817: Pest Management Systems.
He has interests in Biological Control, Insect Ecology, Insect Pest Management, Insecticide/Environmental Toxicology, Plant Resistance to Insects, and Plant-Insect Interactions.
His appointment was 80% Research and 20% Teaching.
He is a member of the Entomological Society of America (ESA).
- Ph.D. in Entomology, North Carolina State University, 1984
- M.S. in Entomology, University of Arizona, 1977
- B.S. in Entomology, North Dakota State University, 1975, and in Biology, Concordia College, Seward, NE, 1971-1973
Professional Responsibilities and Activities
- Major research focus is on the biology, ecology, and management of Diabrotica species (beetles, rootworm), particularly in field corn. Specific areas of emphasis include: western and northern corn rootworm behavior and population dynamics; Diabrotica resistance management issues/strategies: detection and characterization of western corn rootworm resistance to conventional insecticides or traits incorporated into transgenic corn; characterizing effects of transgenic events on corn rootworm life history traits/fitness. Secondary research areas include the biology and pest potential of Colaspis species in Nebraska, and the taxonomy, host relationships, and distribution of Chrysomelid Criocerinae in Nebraska.
Refereed Journal Articles (2000-2019):
- Souza, D., B. C. Vieira, B. K. Fritz, W.C. Hoffmann, J. A. Peterson, G. R. Kruger, L. J. Meinke. 2019. Western corn rootworm pyrethroid resistance confirmed by aerial application simulations of commercial insecticides. Sci. Rpts. 9:6713 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43202-w
- Pereira, A. E., B. Tenhumberg, L. J. Meinke, and B. D. Siegfried. 2019. Southern corn rootworm adult emergence and population growth assessment after selection with vacuolar-ATPase-A dsRNA over multiple generations. J. Econ. Entomol. doi:10.1093/jee/toz008; published online Febr. 2019.
- Reinders, J. D., B. D. Hitt, W. W. Stroup, B. W. French, and L. J. Meinke. 2018. Spatial variation in western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) susceptibility to Cry3 toxins in Nebraska. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0208266. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.e0208266.
- Wangila, D. S., A.J. Valencia, H. Wang, B.D. Siegfried, L .J. Meinke. 2017. Influence of calcareous soil on Cry3Bb1 expression and efficacy in the field. Transgenic Research 26: 419-428. doi: 10.1007/s11248-017-0014-5.
- Wangila, D.S. and L. J. Meinke. 2017. Effects of adult emergence timing on susceptibility and fitness of Cry3Bb1-resistant western corn rootworms. J. Appl. Entomol.141: 372-383. published online July 2016: doi: 10.1111/jen.12346
- Pereira, A. E., D. S. Souza, S. N. Zukoff, L. J. Meinke, B.D. Siegfried. 2017. Cross-resistance and synergism assays provide evidence for multiple mechanisms of resistance to pyrethroids in western corn rootworm populations. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179311. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179311
- Pereira, A. E., A. M. Velez, L. J. Meinke, B.D. Siegfried. 2017. Sublethal effects of vATPase-A and Snf7 dsRNAs on biology of southern corn rootworm, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber. J. Econ. Entomol. 110 (6): 2545-2553. doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox263.
- Miwa, K. and L. J. Meinke. 2017. Seasonality of Colaspis crinicornis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and its injury potential to corn in southeastern Nebraska. J. Econ. Entomol. publ. online 18 Dec 2017, doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox325.
- Head, G. P., M. Carroll, S. Evans, D.M. Rule, A. Willse, T. Clark, N. Storer, R. Flannagan, L. Samuel, L. J. Meinke. 2017. Evaluation of SmartStax and SmartStax PRO maize against western corn rootworm and northern corn rootworm: efficacy and resistance management. Pest Manag. Sci. 73: 1883-1899. doi:10.1002/ps.4554
- Andow, D. A., S. G. Pueppke, A.W. Schaafsma, A. J. Gassmann, T.W. Sappington, L. J. Meinke, P.D. Mitchell, T.M. Hurley, R.L. Hellmich, R. P. Porter. 2016. Early detection and mitigation of resistance to Bt maize by western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol (forum). 109: 1–12.
- Coats, B. S., A. Alves, H. Wang, X. Zhou, T. Nowatzki, H. Chen, M. Rangasamy, H. Robertson, C. Whitfield, K. Walden, S. Kachman, B. French, L. J. Meinke, D. Hawthorne, C. Abel, T. Sappington, B. Siegfried, and N. Miller. 2016. Quantitative trait locus mapping and functional genomics of an organophosphate resistance trait in the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Insect Mol. Biol 25: 1-15. DOI:10.1111/imb.12194
- Haridas, C.V., L. J. Meinke, B. E. Hibbard, B.D. Siegfried, and B. Tenhumberg. 2016. Effects of temporal variation in temperature and density dependence on insect population dynamics. Ecosphere 7(5):e01287. 10.1002/ecs2.1287.
- Tinsley, N. A., P. D. Mitchell, R. J. Wright, L. J. Meinke, R. E. Estes, and M. E. Gray. 2016. Estimation of efficacy functions for products used to manage corn rootworm larval injury. J. Appl. Entomol. 140: 414-425. DOI: 10.1111/jen.12276
- Wangila, D.S. and L. J. Meinke. 2016. Effects of adult emergence timing on susceptibility and fitness of Cry3Bb1-resistant western corn rootworms. J. Appl. Entomol. Early view online: doi: 10.1111/jen.12346
- Frank, D., R. Kurtz, N. Tinsley, A.J. Gassmann, L. J. Meinke, D. Moellenbeck, M. Gray, L. Bledsoe, C. Krupke, R. Estes, P. Weber, and B. Hibbard. 2015. Effect of seed blends and soil-insecticide on western and northern corn rootworm emergence from mCry3A + eCry3.1Ab Bt maize. J. Econ. Entomol. 108: 1260-1270. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov081.
- Miwa, K. and L. J. Meinke. 2015. Developmental biology and effects of adult diet on consumption, longevity, and fecundity of Colaspis crinicornis. J. Insect Sci. (2015) 15(1): 78; DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev062
- Miwa, K. and L. J. Meinke. 2015. Diel patterns of Colaspis brunnea and Colaspis crinicornis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in southeastern Nebraska. Environ. Entomol. 44: 1553-1561.
- Pereira, A.E., H. Wang, S.N. Zukoff, L. J. Meinke, B. W. French, B. D. Siegfried. 2015. Evidence of field-evolved resistance to bifenthrin in western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) populations in western Nebraska and Kansas. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142299. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142299 published 13 Nov 2015.
- Wangila, D. S., A. J. Gassmann, J. L. Petzold-Maxwell, B. W. French, and L. J. Meinke. 2015. Susceptibility of Nebraska western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations to Bt corn events. J. Econ. Entomol. 108: 742-751.
- Sandall, L. D. Lee, L. J. Meinke, B. Siegfried. 2014. Corn rootworm: Small insect, big impact. Natural Sci. Edu. 43: 43-. DOI:10.4195/nse2013.05.0015.
- Geisert, R.W. and L. J. Meinke. 2013. Frequency of extended diapause in Nebraska populations of Diabrotica barberi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 106:1619-1627.
- Petzold-Maxwell, J. L., L. J. Meinke, M. E. Gray, R. E. Estes, and A. J. Gassmann. 2013. Effect of Bt maize and soil insecticides on yield, injury, and rootworm survival: Implications for resistance management. J. Econ. Entomol. 106: 1941-1951.
- Petzold-Maxwell, J. L., A. P. Alves, R. E. Estes, M. E. Gray, L. J. Meinke, E. Shields, S. Thompson, N. A. Tinsley, and A. J. Gassmann. 2013. Applying an integrated refuge to manage western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): effects on survival, fitness and selection pressure. J. Econ. Entomol. 106: 2195-2207.
- Clark, T, L., D. L. Frank, B.W. French, L. J. Meinke, D. Moellenbeck, T. T. Vaughn, and B. E. Hibbard. 2012. Mortality impact of MON863 transgenic maize roots on western corn rootworm larvae in the field. J. Appl. Entomol. 136: 721-729.
- Pan, Z., D. W. Onstad, T. M. Nowatzki, B. H. Stanley, L. J. Meinke, J. L. Flexner. 2011. Western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) dispersal and adaptation to single-toxin transgenic corn deployed with block or blended refuge. Environ. Entomol. 40: 964- 978.
- Campbell, L. A., T. L. Clark, P. Clark, L. J. Meinke, J.E. Foster. 2011. Field introgression of D. barberi Smith and Lawrence and D. longicornis (Say) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) based on genetic and morphological characters. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 104: 1380-1391.
- Onstad, D.W., and L.J. Meinke. 2010. Modeling evolution of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to transgenic corn with two insecticidal traits. J. Econ. Entomol. 103: 849-860.
- Campbell, L.A. and L. J. Meinke. 2010. Fitness of Diabrotica barberi, Diabrotica longicornis, and their hybrids (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.103: 925-935.
- Miller, N.J., T. Guillemaud, R. Giordano, B.D. Siegfried, M.E. Gray, L.J. Meinke, and T. W. Sappington. 2009. Genes, gene flow and adaptation of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Agricultural and Forest Entomol. 11:47-60. Review article.
- Meinke, L.J., T.W. Sappington, D.W. Onstad, T. Guillemaud, N. J. Miller, J. Komaromi, N. Levay, L. Furlan, J. Kiss, and F. Toth. 2009. Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) population dynamics. Agricultural and Forest Entomol. 11:29-46. Review article.
- Becker, S.B., and L.J. Meinke. 2008. A technique to morphologically differentiate larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera and D. barberi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 81:77-79.
- Parimi, S., L. J. Meinke, B. W. French, L. D. Chandler, and B. D. Siegfried. 2006. Stability and persistence of aldrin and methyl-parathion resistance in western corn rootworm populations (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Crop Protection 25: 269-274.
- Caprio, M. A., T. Nowatzki, B. D. Siegfried, L. J. Meinke, R. J. Wright, and L. D. Chandler. 2006. Assessing the risk of resistance to aerial applications of methyl-parathion in the western corn rootworm. J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 483-493.
- Clark, P. L., T. T. Vaughn, L. J. Meinke, J. Molina-Ochoa and J. E. Foster. 2006. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larval feeding behavior on trangenic maize (MON 863) and its isoline. J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 722-727.
- Campbell, L. A., and L. J. Meinke. 2006. Seasonality and adult habitat use by four Diabrotica species at prairie-corn interfaces. Environ. Entomol. 35: 922-936.
- Nowatzki, T.M., X. Zhou, L.J. Meinke, T. Vaughn, and B.D. Siegfried. 2006. Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb1 protein on the feeding behavior and longevity of adult western corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 927-930.
- Stebbing, J. A., L. J. Meinke, S. E. Naranjo, B. D. Siegfried, R. J. Wright, and L. D. Chandler. 2005. Flight behavior of methyl-parathion resistant and susceptible western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations from Nebraska. J. Econ. Entomol. 98: 1294-1304.
- Zhou, X., M.E. Scharf, L. J. Meinke, L.D. Chandler, and B.D. Siegfried. 2005. Immunological assessment of an insecticide resistance-associated esterase in the western corn rootworm. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 58: 157-165.
- Zhou, X., M.E. Scharf, G. Sarath, L.J. Meinke, L.D. Chandler, and B.D. Siegfried. 2004. Partial purification and characterization of a methyl-parathion resistance-associated general esterase in Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 78: 114-125.
- Siegfried, B. D., L.J. Meinke, S. Parimi, M.E. Scharf, T.J. Nowatzki, X. Zhou, and L.D. Chandler. 2004. Monitoring western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) susceptibility to carbaryl and cucurbitacin baits in the areawide management pilot program. J. Econ. Entomol. 97: 1726-1733.
- Parimi, S., M.E., Scharf, L.J. Meinke, L.D. Chander, and B.D. Siegfried. 2003. Inheritance of methyl-parathion resistance in Nebraska western corn rootworm populations (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 131-136.
- Parimi, S., L.J. Meinke, T. Nowatzki, L.D. Chandler, B.W. French, and B.D. Siegfried. 2003. Toxicity of different insecticide bait mixtures to insecticide resistant and susceptible western corn rootworm populations from Nebraska (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae). Crop Protection 22: 781-786.
- Zhou, X., M. E. Scharf, L. J. Meinke, L. D. Chandler, and B. D. Siegfried. 2003. Characterization of general esterases from methyl parathion-resistant and -susceptible populations of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 1855-1863.
- Nowatzki, T.M., B. Niimi, K.J. Warren, S. Putnam, L.J. Meinke, D.C. Gosselin, F.E. Harvey, T.E.Hunt, and B.D. Siegfried. 2003. In-field labeling of western corn rootworm adults (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with rubidium. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 1750-1759.
- Zhou, X., M.E. Scharf, S. Parimi, L.J. Meinke, R.J. Wright, L.D. Chandler, and B.D. Siegfried. 2002. Diagnostic assays based on esterase-mediated resistance mechanisms in western corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 95: 1261-1266.
- Hoback, W.W., T.C. Clark, L.J. Meinke, L.G. Higley, and J.M. Scalzitti. 2002. Immersion survival differs among three Diabrotica species. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 105: 29-34.
- Urias-Lopez, M.A., L. J. Meinke. 2001. Influence of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larval injury on yield of different types of maize. J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 106-111.
- Scharf, M.E., S. Parimi, L.J. Meinke, L.D. Chandler, and B.D. Siegfried. 2001. Expression and induction of three family 4 cytochrome P450 (CYP4) genes identified from insecticide-resistant and susceptible western corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Insect Molecular Biol. 10: 139-146.
- Clark, T. L., L. J. Meinke, and J. E. Foster. 2001. Molecular phylogeny of Diabrotica beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) inferred from analysis of combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Insect Molecular Biol. 10: 303-314.
- Clark, T. L., L. J. Meinke, and J. E. Foster. 2001. PCR-RFLP of mitochondrial COI DNA provides diagnostic markers for selected Diabrotica species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Bull. Entomol. Res. 91: 419-427.
- Clark, T. L., L. J. Meinke, S. Skoda, and J. E. Foster. 2001. Occurrence of Wolbachia in selected Diabroticite (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) beetles. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 94:877-885.
- Darnell, S.J., L.J. Meinke, and L.J. Young. 2000. Influence of corn phenology on adult western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) distribution. Environ. Entomol. 29:587-595.
- Wright, R.J., M.E. Scharf, L.J. Meinke, X.Zhou, B.D. Siegfried, and L.D. Chandler. 2000. Larval susceptibility of an insecticide-resistant western corn rootworm (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) population to soil insecticides: Laboratory bioassays, assays of detoxification enzymes, and field performance. J. Econ. Entomol. 93: 7-13.
- Scharf, M. E., B.D. Siegfried, L.J. Meinke, R.J. Wright, and L.D. Chandler. 2000. Cytochrome P450 mediated N-demethylation activity and induction in insecticide-resistant and susceptible western corn rootworm populations (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae). Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 67: 137-143.
- Scharf, M. E., B.D. Siegfried, L.J. Meinke, and L.D. Chandler. 2000. Fipronil metabolism, oxidative sulfone formation and toxicity among organophosphate and carbamate-resistant and -susceptible western corn rootworm populations. Pesticide Manag Sci.56:757-766.
- Urias-Lopez, M.A., L.J. Meinke, L.G. Higley, and F. J. Haile. 2000. Influence of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larval injury on photosynthetic rate and vegetative growth of different types of maize. Environ. Entomol. 29: 861-867.
Other Publications:
- Wright, R.J., and L. J. Meinke. 2011. Corn rootworm management update. CropWatch Newletter. 22 September 2011. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/cropwatch/archive?articleID=4651826.
- Wright, R.J., and L. J. Meinke. 2012. Results from consultant survey on Bt corn rootworm damage CropWatch Newsletter 3 February 2012. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/web/cropwatch/archive?articleID=4734708.
- Meinke, L. J., D. S. Wangila, R. J. Wright, T. E. Hunt, and G. R. Kruger. 2014. UNL documents shift in corn susceptibility to rootworms in Nebraska. CropWatch Newsletter. 11 April 2014.
- Meinke, L. J., D. S. Wangila, R. J. Wright, T. E. Hunt, T. Peterson, and G. R. Kruger. 2015. Corn rootworm management update. pp. 46-47, In: Proceedings Crop Protection Clinics, Univ. Nebr. Extension.
- Meinke, L. J., D. S. Wangila, R. J. Wright, T. E. Hunt, T. Peterson, and G. R. Kruger. 2016. Corn rootworm management update. pp. 46-47, In: Proceedings Crop Protection Clinics, Univ. Nebr. Extension.
- Peterson, J., J. Bradshaw, T. Hunt, L.J. Meinke, and R. Wright. 2017. Which Bt traits do you need to purchase? IANR Cropwatch Newsletter 24 March 2017.
- Peterson, J., J. Bradshaw, T. Hunt, L.J. Meinke, R. Wright, A. McMechan. 2017. Which Bt traits do you need to purchase? IANR Cropwatch Newsletter 12 October 2017.
- Peterson, J., J. Bradshaw, T. Hunt, L.J. Meinke, R. Wright, A. McMechan. 2018. Which Bt traits do you need to purchase? IANR Cropwatch Newsletter 15 November 2018.
Teaching Summary
- Entomology 817 "Pest Management Systems"
- Entomology 400 "Biology and Classification of Insects"
Professional Activities and Service (Examples of National & International)
- 1985-2016: Nebraska representative to NCCC-46 Regional Corn Rootworm Research Committee, chair, 2001; NCCC-46 IRM subcommittee: 2001-2007.
- 1996-2003: Co-Coordinator, Resistance monitoring effort for USDA-ARS sponsored Corn Rootworm Areawide Management Pilot Program.
- 2001, 2002: Senior author of NCCC-46 letters submitted to EPA regarding resistance management issues surrounding use of corn rootworm protected transgenic plants.
- 2001: Invited participant in EPA sponsored workshop “Insect Resistant Management Strategies Framework Development” Washington, D.C.
- 2002: Co-Organizer, NC-205/NCCC-46/Industry Corn Insects Resistance Management Conference.
- 2003: Invited participant in USDA sponsored workshop “Future Directions and Research Priorities for the USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program” Washington, D.C.
- 2005: Invited presenter/participant in regional Corn Rootworm Distance Education Workshop.
- 2007: Invited member of International Expert Group on western corn rootworm ecology, Nice, France.
- 2008: Invited plenary speaker at the European Union DIABR-ACT project meeting, Gottingen, Germany.
- 2008: Invited panel member, Arthropod and Nematode Organismal and Population Biology NRI Competitive Grant Program, CSREES, USDA; Washington, DC.
- 2009: Invited participant in “External SAP Review Meeting for Optimum AcreMax 1 Insect Protection.” Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Ames, IA.
- 2009, 2011: Co-leader University of Nebraska Study Abroad Program, Tropical Insect Biodiversity - Costa Rica.
- 2010-2014: Invited participant in 23 industry sponsored meetings/workshops as an expert/advisor pertaining to current or future technologies to manage corn insects or resistance management.
- 2011-2016: Invited member of ad-hoc group that advised EPA on emerging IRM issues pertaining to Bt corn.
- 2011-2013: Invited member of Advisory Committee for Monsanto-sponsored Corn Rootworm Knowledge Competitive Grant Program.
- 2013: Interviewed for National Public Radio piece pertaining to western corn rootworm resistance to plant incorporated traits and IRM research at Nebraska. Radio piece aired 9 July 2013.
- 2014: National webinar: “Corn rootworm management in the transgenic era.”
- 2015: Lead author on Nebraska letter to EPA pertaining to proposed changes in rootworm IRM policy.
- 2016: Co-organizer of the symposium: Challenges and opportunities for management of the western corn rootworm. International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, FL.
- 2016-2019: Nebraska representative to NC246 Regional Corn Arthropod Research Committee.
- 2018: Invited webinar presentation: Corn rootworm resistance to Bt traits: Current status and need for IPM-based management. American Seed Trade Association CSS 2018 & Seed Expo. Chicago, IL.
University Service (examples):
- 2009-2019: IANR Dr. Plant Health Curriculum Steering, Admissions, Exam Committees
- 2009-2019: UNL Biotechnology Field Release Committee
- 2014-2019: UNL Plant Growth Facilities Committee
- 2017-2019: CASNR Faculty Advisory Committee
Department Service (examples):
- 1985-2016: Department liaison with Univ. Nebr. Agric. Research and Development Center, near Ithaca, NE
- 2011-2019: Curriculum Committee
- 2011-2019: Student Scholarship and Internship Committee
- 2013-2014: Search Committee chair: Entomology Field Research Coordinator (ARDC)
- 2015: Search Committee chair: Department of Entomology Insect Toxicology position
- 2018: Search Committee member: Entomology Department Head position
- 2011-2012, 2015-2016, 2018-2019: Chair, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee