Dr. Leslie Rault
Research Assistant Professor Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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1700 East Campus Mall
312F ENTO Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, - Phone
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Dr. Leslie Rault is a Research Assistant Professor focusing on arthropod vector physiology. Her appointment is 90% research and 10% teaching.
She is also interested in Insect Pest Management, Insect Resistance to Pesticides, Insecticide Toxicology, Insecticide/Environmental Toxicology, Molecular Genetics/Insect Genetics, and Science Literacy.
- Ph.D. in Entomology with specialization in Environmental Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017
- M.S., in Environmental Sciences and Evolution, University Pierre & Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2012
- B.Sc., in Biology, University of Nice - Sophia-Antipolis
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD. Vaporous essential oil isolates restore LLIN efficacy for mosquitoes. Journal of Vector Ecology. Submitted in December 2023. Under review
- Johnson EJ, McComic SE, Rault LC, Swale DR, Anderson TD. Bioinsecticidal Activity of Cajeput Oil to Pyrethroid-Susceptible and -Resistant Mosquitoes. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 193, June 2023, 105458, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2023.105458
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD. Vaporous essential oils and isolates restore pyrethroid-treated netting efficacy to Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). bioRxiv 2022.12.13.520257. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.13.520257
- Jindal V, Li D, Rault LC, Fatehi S, Singh R, Mating M, Zou Y, Ng HL, Kaczmarek K, Zabrocki J, Gui S, Smagghe G, Anderson TD, Nachman RJ, Park Y. Bee-safe peptidomimetic acaricides achieved by comparative genomics. Scientific Reports, 12, 17263 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-20110-0
- Krueger AJ, Rault LC, Robinson EA, Weissling TJ, Vélez AM, Anderson TD. Pyrethroid insecticide and milkweed cardenolide interactions on detoxification enzyme activity and expression in monarch caterpillars. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 187, 2022, 105173, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105173
- Rault-Bucklin LC. Rejected Hypothesis, Valid Data. “Signals”, American Entomologist, Volume 67, Issue 2, Summer 2021, Pages 24–26, https://doi.org/10.1093/ae/tmab027
- McComic SE, Rault LC, Anderson TD, Swale DR. Toxicological analysis of stilbenes against the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2021, 104965, ISSN 0048-3575, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2021.104965.
- Jack CJ, Kleckner K, Demares F, Rault LC, Anderson TD, Carlier PR, Bloomquist JR and Ellis JD. Testing new compounds for efficacy against Varroa destructor and safety to honey bees (Apis mellifera). Pest Management Science, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6617
- McComic SE, Rault LC, Anderson TD, Swale DR. Reduced neuronal sensitivity and susceptibility of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, to pyrethroids in the absence of known knockdown mutations. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 169, 2020, 104652, ISSN 0048-3575, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104652
- Vu PD, Rault LC, Jenson LJ, Bloomquist JR, Anderson TD. Voltage-gated chloride channel blocker DIDS as an acaricide for Varroa mites, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 167, 2020, 104603, ISSN 0048-3575, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2020.104603.
- Enders LS, Rault LC, Heng-Moss T, Siegfried BD, Miller NJ. Transcriptional responses of soybean aphids to low-dose insecticide exposure. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 118, 103285, March 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibmb.2019.103285
- Rault LC, Johnson EJ, O’Neal ST, Chen R, McComic SE, Swale DR, Anderson TD. Age- and sex-related ABC transporter expression in pyrethroid-susceptible and -resistant Aedes aegypti. Scientific Reports, 9, 19551, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56134-2
- O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Rault LC, Anderson TD. Vapor delivery of plant essential oils alters pyrethroid efficacy and detoxification enzyme activity in mosquitoes, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 157, 2019, Pages 88-98, ISSN 0048-3575. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.03.007
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD. Association of age, sex, and pyrethroid resistance status on survival and cytochrome P450 gene expression in Aedes aegypti (L.). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2019, 156: 96-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pestbp.2019.02.007
- Rault LC, Siegfried BD, Gassmann AJ, Wang H, Brewer GJ, Miller NJ. Investigation of Cry3Bb1 resistance and intoxication in western corn rootworm by RNA sequencing. Journal of Applied Entomology. 2018; 00:1–16. https://doi.org/10.1111/jen.12502
- Hernandez HM (presenter), Rault LC, Anderson TD, “Spatial and temporal dynamics of Anopheline ABC transporter responses to LLINs”. Presentation at the ESA National meeting, Student Competition PBT section, National Arbor (MA). November 2023
- Ng X (presenter), Johnson EJ, Rault LC, Anderson TD “Phagostimulant activity of amino acids improve next-generation attract-and-kill technologies”. Presentation at the ESA National meeting, Student Competition PBT section, National Arbor (MA). November 2023
- Coleman G, Rault-Bucklin LC “Nebraska Mosquitoes: How to Keep them Away”. Extension pamphlet. October 2023
- Ng X, Johnson EJ, Rault LC, Oehlschlager AC, Anderson TD, “Phagostimulant Additives Improve Attract-and-Kill Composition Efficacy for Vector Mosquitoes”. Poster. ACS AGRO division, San Francisco (CA). August 2023.
- Coleman G, Rault-Bucklin LC, Anderson TD, “Sugar and Plant Tissue Analysis of Pollinator Garden-Collected Mosquitoes”. Poster. REEU, Summer Research Fair, University of Nebraska Lincoln. August 2023.
- Smith GR (presenter), and Rault LC, “A PCR method for detecting plant meals from mosquitoes” First Year Research Experience Mini-Symposium. University of Nebraska Lincoln. April 2023.
- Rault LC, “From agricultural pests to arthropod vectors: commonalities and opportunities”. Invited faculty seminar, Department of Entomology at Kansas State University, Manhattan (KS). October 2022.
- Arnoldi AC, Rault LC, Anderson TD, “Plant Feeding Mosquitoes from Pollinator Gardens on East Campus, Lincoln, NE.”. Poster. REEU, Summer Research Fair, University of Nebraska Lincoln. August 2022.
- Gubbels S, Rault LC, Anderson TD, “Techniques to study ticks and tick-borne pathogens in Nebraska”. Poster. UCARE, Spring Research Fair. University of Nebraska Lincoln. April 2022
- Jack CJ (presenter), Kleckner K, Demares F, Rault LC, Anderson TD, Carlier PR, Bloomquist JR and Ellis JD, "Testing new compounds for efficacy against Varroa destructor and safety to honey bees (Apis mellifera)". Presentation at the ESA National meeting, Denver (CO). November 2021
- McComic SE (presenter), Swale DR, Anderson TD, Rault LC, "Reduced susceptibility and neural sensitivity to pyrethroids in the absence of the kdr genotype”. Presentation at the ESA National meeting, Denver (CO). November 2021
- Rault LC, Krueger AJ, Anderson TD, "Exploring acetylcholinesterase targets in Varroa destructor to overcome acaricide resistance". Virtual presentation in the symposium “Advances in Vector Control and Insecticide Science”, ACS AGRO division, Atlanta (GA). August 2021
- Rault LC, Johnson EJ, O’Neal ST, Anderson TD, "Experimental surprises in the investigation of ABC transporter-mediated pyrethroid export in Aedes aegypti". Presentation at the Member Symposium “Advocate Sharing: The Science of Unpublished Results in Entomology” at the ESA National meeting, St Louis (MO). November 2019
- Rault LC, Anderson TD, “New chemistries for acaricide resistance management of Varroa mites” Virtual Poster at the ESA National meeting, St Louis (MO). November 2019
- Johnson EJ, Rault LC, Anderson TD, “Struggles with traditional bioassays for testing volatile compounds against mosquitoes” Invited poster at the Member Symposium “Advocate Sharing: The Science of Unpublished Results in Entomology” at the ESA National meeting, St Louis (MO). November 2019
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD, "Expression changes of cytochrome P450s and ABC transporters in Aedes aegypti due to age, sex, and pyrethroid resistance status". Poster for the 6th annual meeting of the Agricultural Research Division of the University of Nebraska, October 2019
- Rault LC, Johnson EJ, O’Neal ST, Chen R, McComic SE, Swale DR, Anderson TD, “Do ABC transporters contribute to pyrethroid resistance in the Puerto Rico strain of Aedes aegypti?”. Presentation for the New Investigator Award of the ACS AGRO division, San Diego (CA). August 2019.
- Johnson EJ (presenter), O’Neal ST, Rault LC, and Anderson TD, “Biorational Compounds Alter Pyrethroid Efficacy and Detoxification Enzyme Activity in Aedes aegypti”. West Central Mosquito and Vector Control Association 45th Annual Meeting. Layton, Utah. March 2019
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD, "Revealing the mechanisms of insecticide-resistance in mosquitoes: a key challenge to protecting human health". Invited poster for the symposium “Crossing Borders for a Healthier Tomorrow: The Role of Entomology in the One Health Initiative”. ESA Joint National meeting, Vancouver (BC, Canada). November 2018
- Bingham GV, Opit G, Rault LC (presenter), Osekere EA, Otitodun G, Mortensen A, “New technologies for age old problems including how Bitcoin & Uber could change the face of African post-harvest commodity warehousing.” Invited presentation at the ESA Stored Product Pests symposium. ESA Joint National meeting, Vancouver (BC, Canada). November 2018
- Chapman KM, Reinders JD, Rault LC, “Resistance management: controlling insects that just won’t die”. Invited poster for the symposium “Crossing Borders of Understanding: Sharing Your Science with the Public”. ESA Joint National meeting, Vancouver (BC, Canada). November 2018
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD, “Revealing insecticide resistance mechanisms in mosquitoes”. Invited poster at the annual meeting of the Nebraska Environmental Health Association, Ashland (NE). October 2018
- Rault LC, “Survival variability of Aedes aegypti due to age, sex, and pyrethroid-resistance”. Invited presentation at the 44th annual meeting of the Nebraska Mosquito and Vector Control Association, Lincoln (NE). October 2018
- Rault LC, “Revealing mosquitocide resistance mechanisms: A key challenge to protect human health”. Invited departmental seminar, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NE). October 2018
- Rault LC, O’Neal ST, Johnson EJ, Anderson TD, “Transcript expression changes of cytochrome P450 in Aedes aegypti due to age, sex, and pyrethroid-resistance status”. Presentation for the New Investigator Award of the ACS AGRO division, Boston (MA). August 2018.
- Rault LC, Anderson TD, Bingham GV, “Innovative Repellent Strategy for Managing the Stored-Product Pest Tribolium castaneum”. Invited presentation at the symposium “Advances in alternative insecticide-based tools for the control of agricultural pests by early career and young entomologists”. ESA North Central Branch meeting, Madison (WI). March 2018
- Chapman KM (presenter), Knoell E, Rault LC, “Promoting science literacy through student-led outreach in Nebraska” Invited presentation at the symposium “Growing entomology literacy and science understanding through innovative extension, outreach, and teaching programs”. ESA North Central Branch meeting, Madison (WI). March 2018
- Mortensen A, Bingham GV, Anderson TD, Rault LC (presenter), “Repellents Provide an Innovative Approach to Managing Stored Product Pests in Insecticide-Treated Bags”. Virtual Poster, ESA National meeting, Denver (CO). November 2017
- Rault LC, Siegfried BD, Miller NJ, “Resistance to Cry3Bb1 in Diabrotica virgifera virgifera: “RNA-seq” & differential expression”, ESA National Meeting, Minneapolis (MN). November 2015
- Rault LC, “Parasitism, Parasitoidism and Insects: Evolutionary Perspectives”, seminar at the Department of Entomology, Lincoln (NE). February 2015
- Rault LC, Miller NJ, Wang H, Gassmann A, Siegfried BD, Expression profile by Next-generation Sequencing, of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) neonates exposed to Cry3Bb1: Preliminary results and prospects, Poster. Center for Ecology, Evolution, and Management of Pesticide Resistance, Lincoln (NE). September 2014
- Rault LC, Miller NJ, Wang H, Gassmann A, Siegfried BD, Expression profile by Next-generation Sequencing, of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) neonates exposed to Cry3Bb1: Preliminary results and prospects, Poster. Conference I.W.G.O. (International Working Group of Ostrinia and other Maize Pests), Chicago (IL). April 2014
- Rault LC, Siegfried BD, Miller NJ, “Characterization of the resistance mechanisms to the Bt toxin Cry3Bb1 in the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte)”, proposal seminar at the Department of Entomology, Lincoln (NE). April 2014.
- USDA AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships, 2019, "Description of acetylcholinesterase genes in Varroa destructor: a step forward in honey bee health improvement" NIFA EWD 2019-67012-29521 - $164,915
- Layman Seed Grant, 2022, "Molecular marker development for mosquito species census in pollinator gardens", University of Nebraska Foundation - $9,988
- Center for Transformative Teaching. Pedagogic Intervention Grant, 2023, “Entomology beyond field work: Providing hands-on molecular technique experience to aspiring entomologists.” - $1,000
Awards and Honors
- August 2019: Finalist for the ACS AGRO New Investigator Award sponsored by Valent - $1,275
- June 2019: UNL Postdoctoral Travel Grant - $750
- June 2019: IANR Professional Development Award - $800
- October 2018: Postdoctoral travel award for the ESA National meeting in Vancouver, Physiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology Section of the Entomological Society of America - $500
- April 2018: Finalist for the ACS AGRO New Investigator Award sponsored by DowAgro Sciences - $1,275
- April 2018: IANR Professional Development Award - $300
- March 2018: 2nd Place SciComm Science Festival for the outreach activity “Insect Communication” based on scientific enquiry, with Kaitlin Chapman, president of the Bruner Graduate Student Club, NE State Museum, Lincoln.
- February 2018: UNL Postdoctoral Travel Grant - $650
- January 2016: Warren F. and Edith R. Day Dissertation Travel Award - $500
- November 2015: 1st place Graduate Ten-Minute Paper Competition: PBT - Guts, Bt, Microbes, and Immune Response, ESA national meeting, Minneapolis
- October 2015: Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund, travel grant for the ESA national meeting in Minneapolis in November 2015 - $ 182.74
- September 2015: David H. & Annie E. Larrick Student Travel Funds, travel grant for the ESA national meeting in Minneapolis in November 2015 - $500
- Feb 2014: Myron H. Swenk Memorial Fund, travel grant for the IWGO meeting in Chicago, April 2014 - $342.91
- Aug 2013: Cooper – Sharpless Fellowship for Graduate Assistants - $ 5,000
- Jan 2012: Region Ile de France, cooperation between France and the Netherlands ~ $ 3,200.