Dr. Lise Pingault

Avatar for Dr. Lise Pingault

Dr. Lise Pingault

Senior Research Associate Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


UNL Entomology Department, 1700 East Campus Mall
312F Entomology Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816,
402-783-1575‬ (Google voice)
Social Media

Dr. Lise Pingault is a senior research assistant with Dr. Troy Anderson's lab. She is interested in Molecular Genetics/Insect Genetics, Plant Resistance to Insects, and Plant-Insect Interactions.

Professional Society Memberships

  • Entomology Society of America (ESA)
  • American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)



  • PhD, Physiology and Molecular Genetics, University Blaise Pascal, France, 2014
  • M.S. Molecular and Cellular Biology, University Pierre & Marie Curie Paris 6, France, 2010
  • B.S. Biology, University Francois Rabelais, France, 2008


[20] Aboveground Herbivory Influences Belowground Defense Responses in Maize. Pingault Lise, Saumik Basu, Prince Zogli, W. Paul Williams, Nathan Palmer, Gautam Sarath, and Joe Louis. 2021. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 804. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.765940.

[19] Transcriptomic and Volatile Signatures Associated with Maize Defense against Corn Leaf Aphid. Pingault Lise, Suresh Varsani, Nathan Palmer, Swayamjit Ray, W. Paul Williams, Dawn S. Luthe, Jared G. Ali, Gautam Sarath, and Joe Louis. 2021. BMC Plant Biology 21 (1): 138. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-02910-0.

[18] Differential Defense Responses of Upland and Lowland Switchgrass Cultivars to a Cereal Aphid Pest. Pingault Lise, Saumik Basu, Prince Zogli, W. Paul Williams, Nathan Palmer, Gautam Sarath, and Joe Louis. 2020. “Aboveground Herbivory Influences Belowground Defense Responses in Maize.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 804. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.765940.

[17] Greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) herbivory significantly impacts protein and phosphorylation abundance in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Prince Zogli, Sophie Alvarez, Michael J Naldrett, Nathan A Palmer, Kyle G Koch, Lise Pingault, Jeffrey D Bradshaw, Paul Twigg, Tiffany M Heng-Moss, Joe Louis, Gautam Sarath. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 9;10(1):14842. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71828-8.

[16] Ento(o)mics: the intersection of 'omic' approaches to decipher plant defense against sap-sucking insect pests. Prince Zogli, Lise Pingault, Sajjan Grover, Joe Louis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2020 Aug;56:153-161. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2020.06.002

[15] Enhancing phenotyping and molecular analysis of plant root system using ultrasound aeroponic technology. Pingault, L., Zogli, P., Brooks, J., & Libault, M. (2018). Current Protocols in Plant Biology, e20078. doi: 10.1002/cppb.20078

[14] Phosphate Deficiency Negatively Affects Early Steps of the Symbiosis between Common Bean and Rhizobia. Isidra-Arellano MC, Reyero-Saavedra MDR, Sánchez-Correa MDS, Pingault L, Sen S, Joshi T, Girard L, Castro-Guerrero NA, Mendoza-Cozatl DG, Libault M, Valdés-López O. Genes (Basel). 2018 Oct 15;9(10). pii: E498. doi: 10.3390/genes9100498.

[13] Plant Systems Biology at the Single-Cell Level. Libault M, Pingault L, Zogli P, and Schiefelbein J (2017). Trends Plant Sci. 2017 Nov;22(11):949-960.

[12] A comparative genomic and transcriptomic analysis at the level of isolated root hair cells reveals new conserved root hair regulatory elements. Qiao Z, Pingault L, Zogli P, Langevin M, Rech N, Farmer A, Libault M (2017). Plant Mol Biol.;94(6):641-655.

[11] High-Resolution Mapping of Crossover Events in the Hexaploid Wheat Genome Suggests a Universal Recombination Mechanism. (2017) Darrier B, Rimbert H, Balfourier F, Pingault L, Josselin AA, Servin B, Navarro J, Choulet F, Paux E, Sourdille P. Genetics. ;206(3):1373-1388.

[10] Comprehensive comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of the legume genes controlling the nodulation process. Qiao Z, Pingault L, Nourbakhsh-Rey M, and Libault M (2016). Front Plant Sci. ;7:34

[9] Small-scale gene duplications played a major role in the recent evolution of wheat chromosome 3B. Glover N, Choulet F, Pingault L, Daron J, Theil S, Leroy P, Vandepoele K, Paux E, Feuillet C (2015). Genome Biol. 9;16:188

[8] Deep transcriptome sequencing provides new insights into the structural and functional organization of the wheat genome. Pingault L, Choulet F, Alberti A, Glover N, Vandepoele K, Wincker P, IWGSC, Feuillet C, Paux E (2015). Genome Biol. ;16:29

[7] Organization and evolution of transposable elements along the bread wheat chromosome 3B. Daron J, Glover N, Theil S, Jamilloux V, Pingault L, Paux E, Alberti A, Wincker P, Quesneville H, Feuillet C, Choulet F (2014). Genome Biol. ;15(12):546

[6] Evolutionary history of Methyltransferase 1 genes in hexaploid wheat. Thomas M, Pingault L, Poulet A, Duarte J, Throude M, Faure S, Pichon JP, Paux E, Probst A, Tatout C (2014). BMC Genomics. 2014 Oct 23;15:922

[5] A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat genome. International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (2014). Science 345, 1251788

[4] Ancient hybridizations among the ancestral genomes of bread wheat. Marcussen T, Sandve SR, Heier L, Spannagl M, Pfeifer M; International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, Jakobsen KS, Wulff BB, Steuernagel B, Mayer KF, Olsen OA (2014). Science; 345(6194):1250092

[3] Genome interplay in the grain transcriptome of hexaploid bread wheat. Pfeifer M, Kugler KG, Sandve SR, Zhan B, Rudi H, Hvidsten TR; International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, Mayer KF, Olsen OA (2014). Science; 345(6194):1250091

[2] Structural and functional partitioning of bread wheat chromosome 3B. Choulet, F., Alberti, A., Theil, S., Glover, N., Barbe, V., Daron, J., Pingault, L., Sourdille, P., Couloux, A., Paux, E., et al. (2014). Science; 345, 1249721

[1] Meiotic gene evolution: can you teach a new dog new tricks? Lloyd, A.H., Ranoux, M., Vautrin, S., Glover, N., Fourment, J., Charif, D., Choulet, F., Lassalle, G., Marande, W., Tran, J., Granier F., Pingault L., Remay A., Marquis C., Belcram H., Chalhoub B., Feuillet C., Bergès H., Soudille P., Jenczewski. (2014). Mol. Biol. Evol. 31, 1724–1727


[2] Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of legume genes controlling nodulation process. Lise Pingault, Zhenzhen Qiao, Marc Libault. In: Frans J. de Bruijn. (2019). The Model Legume Medicago truncatula. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119409144.ch136.

[1] Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies in Soybean (Glycine max) Under Phosphate Deficiency. Zogli P., Pingault L., Libault M. (2017). In: Sulieman S., Tran LS. (eds). Legume Nitrogen Fixation in Soils with Low Phosphorus Availability. Springer, Cham.