Dr. Marion Ellis
Emeritus Professor Entomology, UNL Bee Lab, Pollinators University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Clovis, CA
- Phone
Dr. Marion Ellis retired from the UNL Department of Entomology in January 2014.
- B.A. in Biology/English, University of Tennessee, 1972
- M.S. in Agricultural Biology, University of Tennessee, 1974
- Ph.D. in Entomology, University of Nebraska, 1994
Awards and Honors
- Founder’s Award, Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, 2012
- Chair NC 1173 Regional Committee on Honey Bee Health, 2010
- Vice-Chair, Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, 2008-2010
- Promoted to Full Professor, University of Nebraska, July 2007
- Roger Hoopingarner Outstanding Scientific Presentation Award, Am. Beekeeping Federation, January 2006
- Roger A. Morse, Teaching and Extension Award, Eastern Apicultural Society, August 2005
- Associate Editor, Journal of Apicultural Research, 2005-2006
- President, American Association of Professional Apiculturists, 2005
- Educational Project Award for Bumble Boosters, North Central Branch of Entomological Society of America, 2004
- Secretary, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Nebraska Chapter, 1999-2003
- Vice President, American Association of Professional Apiculturists, 2003-2004
- Granted Tenure, University of Nebraska, July 1, 2001