Kashish Verma
MS Graduate Student Entomology Department University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
1700 East Campus Mall
208 ENTO Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, - Phone
Kashish Verma is an MS student who is mentored by Dr. Joe Louis and works in his Plant-Insect Interactions Lab.
- B.S. in Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, India, 2022
Yactayo-Chang, J. P., Broadhead, G. T., Housler, R. J., Resende, M. F. R., Verma, K., Louis, J., Basset, G. J., Beck, J. J., & Block, A. K. (2023). Maize terpene synthase 1 impacts insect behavior via the production of monoterpene volatiles β-myrcene and linalool. Phytochemistry, 218, 113957. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.PHYTOCHEM.2023.113957