Tiger Beetles of Nebraska Species List

Nebraska's Tiger Beetle Species

Nebraska, because of its great diversity of habitats, is well represented in cicindelids. Carter (1989) lists 29 species as occurring in the state. By comparison, neighboring states usually have fewer species: Iowa has 18 (Eckhoff 1939), Kansas has 29 (Willis 1970), Oklahoma has 27 (Drew & Van Cleave 1961), South Dakota has 24 (Kirk & Balsbaugh 1975, Backlund et al. 2005), North Dakota has 26 (Larson 1981), and Colorado has 32 (Kippenhan 1994). In addition to the 29 species reported by Carter, three more species have been reported in the literature but are considered dubious: C. rufiventris (reported in Eckhoff 1939), C. patruela (reported in Eckhoff 1939- probably a misidentified C. denverensis?), and C. lemniscata. Also, the two specimens of C. longilabris in the University of Nebraska State Museum are questionable, as this is a spring-fall species, and both specimens were collected in July and none have been collected since 1927. Likewise, M. carolina was reported by Bruner (1901) but has not been seen since.

The following list contains 32 species, including the previously unreported M. carolina. The C. terricola/cinctipennis complex is reported as one species, but may in fact, be two. Common names follow Pearson et al. (2006). Each species includes (1) a general description, (2) similar species, where applicable, (3) U. S. range, (4) Nebraska distribution by county, (5) habitat association, (6) seasonal occurrence, and (7) rarity status, based on collecting records and personal experience.

Amblycheila cylindriformis Say

Great Plains Tiger Beetle

Description: Largest (30-36mm) tiger beetle in the United States. Dark reddish brown. Flightless, nocturnal.

Similar Species: None

Range: Central Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Scottsbluff, Keith

Habitat: Eroded gullies, dissected loess and clay hill banks

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon to rare but may simply be overlooked because of its habits/habitat requirements

Great Plains Tiger Beetle

Cicindela cursitans LeConte

Ant-Like Tiger Beetle

Description: Tiny (7.5-8mm), dull olive green or brown. Marginal band is continuous with the apical lunule.

Similar Species: C. celeripes

Range: Scattered distribution in Northern Plains, south to Alabama

Nebraska Distribution: Buffalo, Cuming, Dakota, Douglas, Dundy, Furnas, Hall, Harlan, Hitchcock, Holt, Kearney, Morrill, Sarpy, Scottsbluff

Habitat: Wet ditches, sometimes on alkaline soil

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Scarce; Carter (1989) reports it as locally moderately abundant

*Note: Carter (1989) had the symbols for C. cursitans and C. celeripes switched in his distribution maps

Ant-like Tiger Beetle on blue background.

Cicindela circumpicta johnsonii Fitch

Johnson's Cream-Edged Tiger Beetle

Description: 13-15mm, dull red or purple with white margins

Similar Species: C. togata

Range: Southern Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Lancaster, Morrill, Nuckolls, Scottsbluff

Habitat: Saline or alkaline flats

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Locally common

Fitch-Johnson's Cream-Edged Tiger Beetle

Cicindela duodecimguttata Dejean

Twelve-Spotted Tiger Beetle

Description: 12-14mm, brown with reduced white markings

Similar Species: C. repanda

Range: Mostly eastern United States

Nebraska Distribution: Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Dawes, Franklin, Gage, Hall, Jefferson, Knox, Lancaster, Nemaha, Saunders, Scottsbluff, Sioux, Washington, Wayne, York

Habitat: Creek banks, lake shores, mud or wet sand

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall, but has been found from March to October

Status: Uncommon, but probably overlooked as C. repanda, with which it occurs

Brown 12-spotted Tiger Beetle on soil.

Cicindela hirticollis shelfordi Graves

Hairy-Necked Tiger Beetle

Description: 13.5-16mm, brown with distinct white markings

Similar Species: C. repanda

Range: Entire United States, except for Great Basin and Appalachian Mtns.

Nebraska Distribution: Adams, Buffalo, Box Butte, Cass, Chase, Cherry, Colfax, Cuming, Dawson, Dixon, Dundy, Furnas, Garfield, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hitchcock, Howard, Jefferson, Keith, Knox, Lancaster, Loup, Merrick, Nance, Otoe, Platte, Richardson, Saunders, Sarpy, Thayer, Thomas, Wheeler

Habitat: Lake shores, creek banks, sand bars

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer, but records span from April to October

Status: Uncommon

Hairy-Necked Tiger Beetle among sand.

Cicindela limbalis Klug

Common Claybank Tiger Beetle

Description: 13-15mm, reddish with coppery head and pronotum, white markings

Similar Species: C. splendida

Range: Central and northeastern United States

Nebraska Distribution: Boone, Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Cass, Cuming, Dodge, Douglas, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Lancaster, Merrick, Nance, Nemaha, Otoe, Pierce, Platte, Polk, Richardson, Saunders, Sarpy, Seward, Stanton, Washington

Habitat: Clay banks

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall; collected as early as 28 January.

Status: Uncommon to moderately common

Common Clayback Tiger Beetle in tan sand.

Cicindela macra LeConte

Sandy Stream Tiger Beetle

Description: 11.5-13mm, dull olive green with white markings

Similar Species: C. cuprascens, C. nevadica knausi

Range: Plains, Midwest

Nebraska Distribution: Adams, Boone, Brown, Buffalo, Cass, Cherry, Dakota, Dawson, Dixon, Douglas, Franklin, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Holt, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Loup, Madison, Merrick, Nance, Otoe, Platte, Richardson, Saunders, Sarpy, Seward, Thomas

Habitat: Sandy areas along rivers

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon to locally common

*Note: blacklighting usually produces larger numbers than daytime collecting

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Cicindela pulchra Say

Beautiful Tiger Beetle

Description: Large (15-19mm), metallic hues of red, orange, and purple

Similar Species: C. scutellaris

Range: South-central, southwestern United States

Nebraska Distribution: Dundy, Lancaster

Habitat: Shortgrass prairie

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Rare, solitary; not collected since 1914

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Cicindela repanda Dejean

Bronzed Tiger Beetle

Description: 10.5-13mm, brown with white markings

Similar Species: C. hirticollis, C. duodecimguttata

Range: All of United States except SW

Nebraska Distribution: Adams, Antelope, Bates, Bell, Boone, Box Butte, Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Cass, Cedar, Cherry, Cheyenne, Clay, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawson, Deuel, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Fillmore, Franklin, Gage, Garden, Garfield, Gosper, Grant, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Holt, Hooker, Howard, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Kimball, Knox, Lancaster, Lincoln, Madison, Merrick, Morrill, Nance, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Pawnee, Perkins, Phelps, Pierce, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Rock, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Scotts Bluff, Seward, Sheridan, Sherman, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thomas, Thurston, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Wheeler

Habitat: Creek banks, lake shores, mud or wet sand

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall, but found from April to October

Status: Very common

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Cicindela sexguttata Fabr

Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle

Description: 13-15mm, metallic green (rarely metallic blue or purple)

Similar Species: None

Range: Eastern United States

Nebraska Distribution: Cheyenne, Cherry, Perkins, Lincoln, Brown, Furnas, Buffalo, Boyd, Greeley, Howard, Knox Madison, Nuckolls, Stanton, Colfax, Seward, Jefferson, Cuming, Dodge, Lancaster, Gage, Dixon, Dakota, Thurston, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass, Otoe, Nemaha, Pawnee, Richardson

Habitat: Sunlit paths in forests, occasionally along creeks

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Locally common

*Note: the common name is a misnomer for Nebraska populations, which are almost never spotted

Sexguttata green

Cicindela tenuisignata Le Conte

Thin-Lined Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-12mm, brown with green edges and long, thin middle band

Similar Species: possibly C. repanda at first glance

Range: SW United States, northward into southern Great Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Scottsbluff

Habitat: Near water, along pond edges, etc.

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Known from one specimen - a migrant collected on the edge of an alkaline pond in Kiowa SWMA in Scotts Bluff Co. 14 July, 2005 by M. Brust. This specimen represents the northernmost record of this species in the United States.

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White-Cloaked Tiger Beetle

Description: 10-12mm, dull olive green with white borders

Similar Species: C. circumpicta

Range: Southern Plains and Gulf Coast

Nebraska Distribution: Dodge, Fillmore, Lancaster, Nuckolls, Saunders

Habitat: Saline or alkaline flats

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Locally common

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Megacephala (Tetracha) carolina (L.)

Pan-American Big-headed Tiger Beetle

Description: Large (17mm), metallic green with white markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Southern United States, from Virginia to California

Nebraska Distribution: Lancaster

Habitat: Forests, sometimes lakeshores. A nocturnal beetle that is found under rocks and logs during the day. Attracted to lights.

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer (July & August)

Status: Rare; reported by Bruner (1901) from Lincoln "and other points between this and the southeast corner of the state."

Carolina Tiger Beetle on dry ground.

Cicindela cuprascens LeConte

Coppery Tiger Beetle

Description: 11.5-13mm, coppery green with white markings

Similar Species: C. macra

Range: Plains, Midwest

Nebraska Distribution: Adams, Antelope, Arthur, Banner, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Burt, Butler, Cedar, Chase, Cheyenne, Clay, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dawes, Dawson, Deuel, Dodge, Fillmore, Franklin, Frontier, Garden, Garfield, Gage, Gosper, Grant, Greeley, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Hitchcock, Hooker, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Kimball, Lancaster, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, Madison, Merrick, Morrill, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Pawnee, Perkins, Phelps, Pierce, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Rock, Saline, Seward, Sheridan, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thurston, Valley, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Wheeler, York

Habitat: Sandy areas along rivers

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon

Coppery Tiger Beetle on sand.

Cicindela decemnotata Say

Badlands Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-14 mm, green or bluish green with distinct white markings

Similar Species: C. denverensis

Range: Northern Plains and mountain foothills in the United States and Western Canada

Nebraska Distribution: Sioux

Habitat: Exposed soil in dry shortgrass prairie

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Unknown; only one specimen known, collected 25 Sept. 2004 by S. M. Spomer

Badlands Tiger Beetle on blue background.

Cicindela formosa Say

Big Sand Tiger Beetle

Description: Large (15-18mm), red or purple with distinct white markings

Similar Species: C. lengi

Range: Mostly east of Rocky Mtns.; absent from SE states

Nebraska Distribution: Antelope, Arthur, Banner, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Dawson, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Garfield, Garden, Gosper, Grant, Hall, Holt, Hooker, Howard, Keith, Keya Paha, Knox, Lancaster, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, Madison, McPherson, Morrill, Otoe, Perkins, Pierce, Platte, Rock, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, Sherman, Sioux, Stanton, Thomas, Washington, Wayne, Wheeler

Habitat: Sandy areas- dunes, blowouts, stream banks

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall, with records from April to September

Status: Usually very common, especially in western and central counties

Big Sand Tiger Beetle on sand

Cicindela lengi Horn

Blowout Tiger Beetle

Description: 13.5-15mm, metallic red with white markings

Similar Species: C. formosa

Range: Western Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Antelope, Arthur, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Cheyenne, Cherry, Custer, Dawes, Deuel, Garfield, Greeley, Grant, Hall, Hamilton, Holt, Hooker, Howard, Keith, Keya Paha, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Morrill, Platte, Rock, Scottsbluff, Sheridan, Stanton, Thomas

Habitat: Sandy areas, blowouts, sandy creek bank, roadsides

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Uncommon

Blowout Tiger Beetle on sand.

Cicindela limbata Say

Sandy Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-12.5mm, white with green, blue, or bronze markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Northern Plains, with an isolated population in southern Utah

Nebraska Distribution: Arthur, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Chase, Cherry, Custer, Dawes, Dundy, Garfield, Garden, Greeley, Grant, Hooker, Holt, Howard, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Morrill, Rock, Sheridan, Scottsbluff, Stanton, Thomas, Wheeler

Habitat: Sand dune, blowouts

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall, with records from March to October

Status: Locally common at stabilized blowouts

Sandy tiger beetle photo

Cicindela nebraskana Casey

Prairie Long-lipped Tiger Beetle

Description: 12-13mm, smooth, black

Similar Species: C. longilabris, C. punctulata

Range: Western United States (mainly northern states)

Nebraska Distribution: Scottsbluff, Sioux

Habitat: Bare ground in short grass prairie

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Apparently highly localized; however, little spring or fall collecting is done in the Pine Ridge/Wildcat Hills so it may be overlooked. Matt Brust doubled the number of previously collected specimens in May, 2004 by finding a population in Sioux County.

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Cicindela punctulata Olivier

Punctured Tiger Beetle

Description: 12-13.5mm, dull black (rarely green or blue), faint or absent maculation

Similar Species: Somewhat like C. nebraskana

Range: Eastern United States, west to Nevada

Nebraska Distribution: All Nebraska counties except Cedar, Washington and Thurston

Habitat: Most habitats imaginable; even found on city sidewalks

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer, into fall

Status: Common

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Cicindela scutellaris Say

Festive Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-13mm, metallic orange or red with no markings

Similar Species: C. pulchra, which is much larger

Range: Great Plains, generally east of the Rocky Mtns.

Nebraska Distribution: Adams, Antelope, Banner, Bates, Bell, Boone, Box Butte, Buffalo, Burt, Cherry, Cheyenne, Custer, Dawson, Deuel, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Franklin, Garden, Garfield, Gosper, Grant, Greeley, Hall, Hayes, Hitchcock, Holt, Hooker, Howard, Jefferson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Kimball, Lancaster, Lincoln, Madison, Morrill, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Platte, Red Willow, Rock, Saline, Scotts Bluff, Sherman, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thomas, Valley, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Wheeler

Habitat: Sandy open areas with sparse vegetation, such as blowouts, dry creek banks

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Locally common in the Sandhills

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Cicindela splendida Hentz

Splendid Tiger Beetle

Description: 11.5-15.5mm, reddish or orange with green or blue head and pronotum, white markings

Similar Species: C. limbalis

Range: Central United States, with an extension to the East Coast

Nebraska Distribution: Banner, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Buffalo, Butler, Cass, Cherry, Custer, Dawes, Dawson, Douglas, Dundy, Franklin, Frontier, Furnas, Gage, Garden, Garfield, Gosper, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Hayes, Howard, Jefferson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Lincoln, Merrick, Morrill, Nance, Nemaha, Nuckolls, Otoe, Phelps, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Saline, Sarpy, Saunders, Scottsbluff, Seward, Sherman, Sioux, Thayer, Valley, Wayne, Webster, York

Habitat: Clay banks, road cuts, bluffs

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: May be moderately common

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Cicindela terricola Say

Ground-Hugging Tiger Beetle

Description: Dark brown or dull black with reduced markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Northern Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Dawes, Sheridan

Habitat: Alkaline ditches, flats (Carter 1989)

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon, if present

*Note: Almost all of the specimens in the Univ. Nebr. State Museum are typical C. t. cinctipennis; two dark specimens from Dawes Co. are immaculate or nearly so and may be terricola. However, one specimen, labelled "S.D." is definitely black and immaculate (true terricola?) and looks quite different from the Dawes Co. specimens, so the Dawes Co. specimens may merely be unmarked cinctipennis. Clearly, extensive collecting needs to be done in the Pine Ridge area to address this confusing situation.

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Megacephala (Tetracha) virginica (L.)

Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle

Description: Large (18-19mm), dark metallic green.

Similar Species: None

Range: Eastern United States (mainly southern states)

Nebraska Distribution: Buffalo, Cass, Dundy, Gage, Hall, Johnson, Lancaster, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline

Habitat: Open areas, bare spots. Seldom seen in daytime because it is crepuscular/ nocturnal. Adults hide under boards, rocks, etc. during the day. Attracted to light.

Seasonal Occurrence: Usually late summer, although records span from April to October

Status: Uncommon, but probably overlooked because of its habits

Virginica Tiger Beetle in Nebraska.

Cicindela celeripes LeConte

Swift Tiger Beetle

Description: Tiny (7.5-8mm), dull olive green or brown. Elytral maculation is broken into dots

Similar Species: C. cursitans

Range: Southern Plains, from Nebraska to Texas

Nebraska Distribution: Cass, Cuming, Dakota, Douglas, Fillmore, Lancaster

Habitat: Dry bluff or hilly prairie

Seasonal Occurrence: Once common, it has not been collected in Nebraska since 1915

Swift Tiger Beetle in sand.

Cicindela denverensis Casey

Green Claybank Tiger Beetle

Description: 12-14mm, metallic green with white markings

Similar Species: C. purpurea (green morph), C. decemnotata

Range: Western Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Banner, Box Butte, Buffalo, Cherry, Chase, Custer, Dawes, Dawson, Dundy, Frontier, Garden, Garfield, Hall, Hayes, Hitchcock, Keith, Kimball, Lincoln, Morrill, Red Willow, Scottsbluff, Sheridan, Sioux, Thomas, Valley

Habitat: Clay/loess banks, eroded cliffs

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall, although scarce in fall

Status: Moderately common in dissected loess hills, less common in Pine Ridge

*Note: This beetle is part of a complex of closely-related species which includes C. splendida, C. denverensis, and C. limbalis. We agree with Carter (1989) that C. splendida and C. denverensis may be subspecies of C. denverensis, as there appear to be intergrades in the Gothenburg area. However, until there is a definitive work on the systematics of the complex, we have retained their specific status.

Claybank Tiger Beetle on tan gravel.

Cicindela fulgida Say

Crimson Salt Flat Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-12.5mm, red, purple, or black with distinct white markings

Similar Species: None

Range: West-central United States

Nebraska Distribution: Box Butte, Dundy, Garden, Lancaster, Saunders, Scottsbluff, Sheridan, Sioux

Habitat: Saline or alkaline flats, pond edges

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Locally common

Crimson Saltflat Tiger Beetle pictured in white sand.

Cicindela lepida Dejean

Ghost Tiger Beetle

Description: 10-11mm, brown background with greatly expanded white markings so beetle often appears mostly white

Similar Species: None

Range: Central Plains, SW to Arizona, NE to New York and Eastern Coast

Nebraska Distribution: Brown, Cherry, Dundy, Keith, Lancaster, Lincoln, Morrill, Nance, Nemaha, Richardson, Saunders, Thomas

Habitat: Sandy areas; blowouts, beaches, stream sides

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer (mostly July)

Status: Scarce

Ghost Tiger Beetle on fine sand.

Cicindela longilabris

Boreal Long-lipped Tiger Beetle

Description: 12.5-13.5mm, dark brown with reduced markings

Similar Species: C. nebraskana, C. purpurea audubonii (black morph)

Range: Mostly northeastern United States; also Rocky Mtns. and Sierra Madre Mtns.

Nebraska Distribution: Lancaster

Habitat: Bare open soil or sandy areas

Seasonal Occurrence: Late spring/fall

Status: Unknown; there are two old specimens in the UNSM. One is pictured above.


Cicindela nevadica knausii Leng

Knaus' Nevada Tiger Beetle

Description: 10-13mm, olive brown with white markings

Similar Species: C. repanda, C. macra

Range: Western Plains

Nebraska Distribution: Blaine, Box Butte, Dundy, Garden, Hitchcock, Morrill, Nuckolls, Sheridan

Habitat: Alkaline pond edges, also non-alkaline pond edges (Kippenhan 1994)

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon

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Cicindela nevadica lincolniana Casey

Salt Creek Tiger Beetle

Description: 10-13mm, dull olive green with reduced markings

Similar Species: From a distance, a well-marked specimen might resemble C. repanda

Range: Endemic to salt marsh remnants in Lancaster County

Nebraska Distribution: Lancaster

Habitat: Wet, salty soil at pond or creek edges

Seasonal Occurrence: Late spring to early summer

Status: Endangered; restricted to Eastern Nebraska salt marshes near Lincoln, Nebraska

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Cicindela purpurea audubonii LeConte

Cow Path Tiger Beetle

Description: 13.5-16mm, all black or dull green with coppery pronotum; indistinct white markings

Similar Species: C. denverensis

Range: Most of United States, except Deep South. More common in the west.

Nebraska Distribution: Banner, Cass, Chase, Custer, Dawson, Dawes, Franklin, Garden, Harlan, Holt, Keith, Kimball, Lancaster, Morrill, Perkins, Saunders, Scottsbluff, Sheridan, Sioux

Habitat: Bare paths, clay banks

Seasonal Occurrence: Early spring/fall

Status: Uncommon to moderately common in the Pine Ridge

Cow Path Tiger Beetles

Cicindela scutellaris lecontei Haldeman

LeConte's Festive Tiger Beetle

Description: 11-13mm, dull red or maroon (occasionally orangeish or greenish) with white marginal markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Eastern United States, from New England to Nebraska. Other subspecies are found south of Tennessee and Arkansas

Nebraska Distribution: Antelope, Burt, Cass, Cuming, Douglas, Furnas, Howard, Jefferson, Lancaster, Nuckolls, Saunders, Washington, York

Habitat: Sandy open areas with sparse vegetation, such as dunes, road cuts, sand pits

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Less frequently found than C. s. scutellaris, although it may be locally common when found

*Note: An intergrade zone between C. s. scutellaris and C. s. lecontei occurs in the eastern one-third of Nebraska. Mixed populations containing both phenotypes occur as far west as Howard Co. and as far east as Lancaster Co.

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Cicindela terricola cinctipennis LeConte

Western Variable Tiger Beetle

Description: Brown or olive green with white markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Western United States

Nebraska Distribution: Dawes, Morrill, Scottsbluff, Sioux

Habitat: Alkaline ditches, flats (Carter 1989), bare areas in shortgrass prairie

Seasonal Occurrence: Summer

Status: Uncommon or locally common

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Oblique-Lined Tiger Beetle

Description: 12-15.5mm, dark brown with white markings

Similar Species: None

Range: Most of United States

Nebraska Distribution: Arthur, Banner, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Chase, Cherry, Colfax, Cuming, Custer, Dawes, Dawson, Dodge, Douglas, Dundy, Franklin, Furnas, Garden, Garfield, Gosper, Grant, Hall, Harlan, Hitchcock, Howard, Jefferson, Keith, Kearney, Knox, Lancaster, Loup, McPherson, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Scottsbluff, Sioux, Thomas, Wayne, Webster, York

Habitat: Sandy areas, alkaline or saline flats, creek banks, trails

Seasonal Occurrence: Spring/fall

Status: Common

*Note: Lancaster Co. specimens are consistently smaller than Western Nebraska specimens

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  • Backlund, D., N. Backlund, S. Weins, and G. Marrone. 2005. Tiger beetles of South Dakota (website). Version 12/28/2005.
  • Bruner, L. 1901. The tiger beetles of Nebraska. Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci. 7: 97-99.
  • Carter, M. A. 1989. The biology and ecology of the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) of Nebraska. Trans. Nebr. Acad. Sci. 17: 1-18.
  • Drew, W. A. and H. W. Van Cleave. 1961. The tiger beetles of Oklahoma (Cicindelidae). Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 1961: 101-122.
  • Eckhoff, D. E. 1939. The Cicindelidae of Iowa (Coleoptera). Iowa State College J. Sci. 13(2): 201-230.
  • Kippenhan, M. G. 1994. The tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) of Colorado. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 120: 1-86.
  • Kirk, V. M. and E. U. Balsbaugh, Jr. 1975. A list of the beetles of South Dakota. Agric. Expt. Sta. Bull. 42: 1-139.
  • Larson, P. R. 1981. The tiger beetles of North Dakota (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Proc. No. Dak. Acad. Sci. 35: 52.
  • Pearson, D. L., T. G. Barraclough, and A. P. Vogler. 1997. Distributional maps for North American species of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Cicindela 29(3-4): 33-84.
  • Pearson, D. L., C. B. Knisley, and C. J. Kazilek. 2006. A field guide to the tiger beetles of the United States: identification, natural history, and distribution of the Cicindelidae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. 227 pp.
  • Willis, H. L. 1970. The Cicindelidae of Kansas. Cicindela 2(1): 1-27.

If you have new county records, or have additional information you'd like to share, please send an email to: tigerbeetles@outlook.com