Charts, Diagrams, and Drawings


All images, unless otherwise noted, were created by staff from the University of Nebraska Department of Entomology. They are freely available for use in non-commercial publications and other media as long as the "Department of Entomology,University of Nebraska-Lincoln" and the designer's name, if given, is credited. All images are copyrighted by the Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the designer, if listed.
For other uses, contact the Department of Entomology. The images should not be downloaded to other websites but may be linked to other sites for educational uses.


ANATOMY (Grasshopper)
  1. Circulatory System
  2. Digestive-Excretory
  3. Nervous System
  4. Reproductive System
  5. Respiratory System

  1. Comparison of Pharoah Ant and Thief Ant Workers

  1. Difference Between a Bed Bug and a Bat Bug

  1. Armyworm Identification
  2. Black Cutworm Identification
  3. Black Cutworm Damage
  4. Bronzed Cutworm Identification
  5. Fall Armyworm Identification
  6. Variegated Cutworm Identification
  7. Squash Vine Borer Damage Symptoms

  1. Seasonal Distribution of Major Turfgrass Pests

  1. Brown Recluse Identification
  2. Brown Recluse Bite Symptoms
  3. How to Recognize the Sexes Among Spiders