Online Education - Student Resources


  • Department of Entomology's Online Student Handbook (pdf)
  • Graduate and Professional Catalog
    This publication contains information about all graduate study programs offered at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL).
  • Time Requirements
    Option B master's degrees (with project) must complete at least 15 hours in regularly scheduled UNL courses. At least one-half of the work for a master's degree must be in the department or area constituting the student's major. The work required for a master's degree must be completed within five (5) consecutive years. Course work exceeding ten (10) years may not apply toward the partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for master's degrees at UNL.
  • Scholastic Grade Requirements
    Online M.S. graduate students in Entomology must meet all department graduate program requirements, demonstrate progress on their program, and earn B's or better in all graduate courses with a 400 counterpart (400/800 classes) and C's or better in graduate-only (800 or 900) courses. If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in any course, the Online Education Committee must meet and review the academic progress of the student. Note that the Department standards for satisfactory progress and grade requirements are more stringent than those of the Graduate College.
  • Additional Requirements Established by the Department of Entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    The Department of Entomology has established expectations regarding satisfactory progress for all students accepted into the online M.S. in Entomology program. Students in this program are expected to enroll for at least three credit hours of course work during the Fall and Spring Semesters of each academic year until the requirements of the Option B masters degree are fulfilled. The expectation of satisfactory progress has been established to ensure the timely completion of a high-quality masters degree program for all graduate students.
  • Optional Minor
    Students in the Option B master's degree may pursue a 9-credit minor if desired.  This minor should be approved by the minor department. The credits may be incorporated into the total 30-credit hours.
  • Course Selection and Memorandum of Courses Preparation
  • Incompletes
    Under extenuating circumstances (serious illness, family death, etc.), students can request to take an incomplete in a course for that semester. Students will need to contact their instructor to request the incomplete, which can be finished during a later semester. Ideally this is during the following semester, if this works for the instructor, or it may be during the next time the course is given. Incompletes should be finished no later than two years after you originally took the course.

    Students do not have to pay again to take the course, so should not re-enroll in that course. Instructors will be able to add you into the appropriate online course when you are ready to complete the course requirements.

    Please note that incompletes may affect the number of credits required to receive Financial Aid. Please check with the UNL financial aid office ( to ask about their policies before requesting an incomplete.

    If an event occurs early in the semester, consider withdrawing from the course rather than taking an incomplete. Please keep in mind that all incompletes must be finished before graduation.

  • Transferring Courses into the Program
    Up to 15 credit hours may be transferred into the M.S. degree in entomology. The credit must not have been applied to another degree, and must not be ten (10) years old or older. Only graduate credits can be transferred. Professional credits in the law, dentistry, medical, or architecture fields may not be transferred. The student must have been enrolled at the granting institution and provide two copies of official transcripts to:

Office of Graduate Studies
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
101 Seaton Hall
1525 U Street
P.O. Box 880619
Lincoln, NE 68588-0619

All transfer credit must be approved by the student's graduate committee/advisors and the Office of Graduate Studies.

  • Academic Calendar - Check here to see when you may add or drop classes via MyRed and when breaks or holidays occur.
  • Tuition and Fees from the Student Accounts office. The College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (CASNR) follows UNL's base rate.
    • Tuition for a Nebraska resident is $357 per credit hour.
    • The non-resident base rate for an online course is $700 per credit hour.
    • Mandatory fees include a $20 registration fee, a $35 Online Course fee per credit hour, $11 Technology fee per credit hour, and $8.25 Library Fee per credit hour. 
      • As an example, a 3-credit class for a Nebraska resident would cost $1,071 tuition plus $182.75 in fees = $1,253.75.
      • As an example, a 3-credit class for a non-Nebraska resident would cost $2,100 tuition plus $182.75 in fees = $2,282.75.
  • Tasks to Complete before Graduation
    Additional requirements for graduation are completion of the General Entomology (or BCE) and Comprehensive Written exams. Two forms are also required: the Application for Degree form (filled out by student), and the Final Examination Report for Masters Degree form (filled out by Entomology Department).