About the Lab
The Arthropod Vectors of Plant Pathogens (AVPP) Lab at the Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is led by Dr. Shaonpius Mondal, Assistant Professor of Entomology. The lab researches various plant viruses and their arthropod vectors, specifically aphids and mites in Nebraska and beyond. Currently the lab is focussing on wheat and barley crop, but soybean and corn are of future consideration. Major molecular studies are conducted in ENTO 302. The transmission works are conducted at ENTO 107. The lab is raising two genetically different types of wheat curl mites in 172 Plant Sciences Hall. All the labs are situated on UNL's East Campus. Furthermore, the lab collaborates with USDA-ARS at Lincoln, NE, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) at Omaha and Nebraska Center for Virology.
Lab Leader

Current Research
- Understanding role of wheat curl mite microbiome in transmission of wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus in wheat host.
- Understanding strain composition of Barley yellow dwarf virus in Nebraska.
- Understanding virus vector relationship of High Plains wheat mosaic virus and wheat curl mite.
- Understanding oat as virus source for Triticum mosaic virus.