Distance Education FAQ
How will the Distance M.S. in Entomology Program benefit me?
The distance M.S. in Entomology program is designed for students just like you! The full curriculum distance M.S. degree in Entomology offers students the opportunity to reach their personal and professional goals while maintaining their busy lifestyles. Students can study at home, on the road, or while at work! The Department of Entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) offers students the unique opportunity to earn an advanced science degree without ever having to come to campus!
Can I take courses without going back to school?
Yes! Individual courses are a wonderful option for professionals or people who want to learn more about entomology. If you do not want to pursue a degree, feel free to take a class and increase your knowledge and understanding of entomology and related issues. All of the distance courses offered by the Department of Entomology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are credit courses, but can still be taken by non-degree seeking students. Simply fill out the graduation application form and choose "non-degree" seeking if you'd like to take a course or two!
Does the Department of Entomology at UNL offer any undergraduate courses via distance?
Yes! We offer several distance entomology courses at the undergraduate level.
ENTO 401/801 | Insect Physiology | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 403/803 | Management of Horticultural Insects | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 406/806 | Insect Ecology (undergraduates only) | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 409/809 | Insect Control By Host Plant Resistance | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 412/812 | Entomology and Pest Management | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 414/814 | Forensic Entomology | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 415/815 | Medical Entomology | 3 credit hours |
ENTO 115 | Insect Biology (undergraduate only) | 3 credit hours |
Please contact Erin Bauer for more information.
What are the entrance requirements for the Distance M.S. in Entomology Program?
Students must hold a B. S. or B. A. degree from an accredited college or university. Baccalaureate course work must include chemistry, mathematics, biology, and introductory entomology. (A limited number of deficiencies in course work can be made up during the first years of the graduate program.) An undergraduate G.P.A. of 3.0 or better is required for Full Graduate Standing. A G.P.A. of less than 3.0 will be considered on an individual basis for provisional admission (students accepted on provisional admission must establish acceptable academic performance in their first semester to continue in the graduate program). Students whose native language is not English must have a TOEFL score of 550 or better for admission into the department (students with scores between 500-550 may be considered for provisional admission).
Three references are required with the application. References may be employers, co-workers, professors, teachers, or business, professional, religious or community contacts who can speak to your future success in graduate school. Do not include family members as references.
Is the Distance Master's Degree in Entomology Program accredited?
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools since the association began accrediting colleges and universities in 1913. The distance M.S. in Entomology program is a fully recognized and accredited degree program of the University of Nebraska.
What are the differences between the Distance Master's Degree program and the on-campus Master's Degree program?
The distance program offers students an Option B (non-thesis) Master's degree. To fulfill the requirements of the Option B Master's degree, students complete 30 credit hours of course work. This includes a 3-credit hour Master's Degree Project.
On-campus students usually complete an Option A program. One of the requirements of the Option A Master's degree is the successful completion of a research-based thesis.
Both options lead to a Master's degree in Entomology, but the way students earn the degree is different.
How are the distance courses taught?
Every class is a little bit different. Classes are delivered totally via the Internet. Some of our courses are also available for undergraduate credit.
If I want graduate credit, how do I apply?
Graduate Admissions Toll-Free: (800) 742-8800 ext. 2878
Graduate Admissions Email: admissions@unl.edu
You should also read about important application information provided by the Office of Graduate Studies.
How long does the application process take?
Get your application in early! After your application is complete, it will be forwarded to the Department of Entomology's Graduate Committee for review. The review process typically takes 3-4 weeks. After a decision is made, the Office of Graduate Studies has to complete the final paperwork. This process can take 4-6 weeks. As you can see, it is in your best interest to get your application completed as soon as possible!
What are the application deadlines?
All application materials for the distance M.S. in Entomology degree program must be in by the following dates:
Beginning Semester | Application Due Date |
Spring Semester | Nov. 15 |
Summer Session | April 1 |
Fall Semester | July 15 |
Do I have to take the GRE?
No, the Department of Entomology does not require students to take the GRE or any other entrance exams.
What are the tuition and fees? How am I billed?
Information on Tuition, Fees, and the Billing Process may be found at:
Are there any scholarships or other types of financial aid available?
Please consult UNL's Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for information:
What if I have served in the military? How do I find out if I am eligible for veterans certification?
Contact the Military & Veteran Success Center
Phone number: 402-472-4130
Can I transfer credit hours into the program?
Students may be eligible to transfer up to 15 credit hours of graduate-level course work into the program. The degree itself requires 30 credit hours of graduate-level course work, 15 of which must be in entomology. The ultimate decision on whether or not your course work will transfer is up to UNL's Office of Graduate Studies and the student's graduate committee.
No graduate credits will be accepted as transfer credit toward a master's program at UNL if the course work is ten years or older or if the course work has been applied toward a previous degree at UNL or any other accredited institution. Professional credits will not transfer as graduate credits.
All graduate credits to be counted toward the satisfaction of postbaccalaureate degree requirements, including the transfer credits, must be recommended by the cognizant graduate committee of the student's major department or area. Not less than 50 percent of the course work of the minimum number of graduate credits required for any subdoctoral graduate degree must be completed at the University of Nebraska. The student should not expect any graduate credits to be transferred unless the graduate committee evaluates the quality and suitability equal to or superior to offerings available at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Approval of the Office of Graduate Studies is required for the transfer of graduate work taken elsewhere to a graduate degree program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that official transcripts of graduate work taken elsewhere are sent by the institution where the work was completed and received by the Office of Graduate Studies well before the student plans to complete all other requirements for the graduate degree.
For additional information regarding the transfer of course work, refer to UNL's online Graduate Studies Bulletin:
Can I transfer graduate credits into the program that applied towards a previous degree?
Second Master's Degree
Students who have earned a previous graduate degree such as a master's degree in any institution including the University of Nebraska may seek a second master's degree provided the degree is in a different discipline. However, no graduate credits will be accepted as transfer credit toward a second master's program if the course work has been applied toward a previous degree at any accredited institution, including UNL. Graduate course work not previously applied toward a degree may be considered for a second master's if the graduate credits were earned within ten years of completing the master's degree at UNL. Any approved Memorandum of Courses cannot duplicate graduate courses from any institution, discipline or country.
Where can I find additional information regarding the university's policies and procedures?
For additional information regarding the transfer of course work, and other policies and procedures related to graduate studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, refer to the Graduate Studies Bulletin. The Graduate Studies Bulletin contains information about all programs of graduate study offered at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
UNL's online Graduate Studies Bulletin is at: catalog.unl.edu/graduate-professional.
This is a non-thesis degree. What if I want to go on for a Ph.D. after I graduate?
There is no "yes" or "no" answer to this question. This is a non-thesis degree option, and it will be up to individual institutions to decide whether or not they will accept you into a Ph.D. program. Before you apply to the distance M.S. in Entomology program, you may want to consider asking yourself a few questions: Is research-based entomology what you want to do? What exactly do you want to do after you complete your degree objectives? Do you know what institution you want to attend after completing your master's degree? If so, contact them for some insight.
Who do I contact for additional information?
If you have any additional questions about the distance M.S. in Entomology program or courses offered by the Department of Entomology, contact: Erin Bauer