This required set of courses (ENTO 887 and ENTO 888) provide an opportunity for students in the University of Nebraska Lincoln's Online M.S. Degree Program in Entomology to apply knowledge they have gained from their courses to create an original body of work focusing on an area of personal or professional interest. Instructors for these courses include the M.S. Project Coordinator and the M.S. Project Committee.
What will you be producing?
Students in ENTO 887 will write a proposal for an M.S. project that outlines an original work the student wishes to create, and which reflects a scholarly understanding of entomology. The proposal will be approved by the end of the semester.
Students will then complete their proposed project in ENTO 888. The project should be an original work that reflects a scholarly understanding of entomology. Projects can take many forms such as scholarly reviews, teaching or training materials, multimedia, surveys, and other items that represent a substantial intellectual contribution to the field of entomology. Projects will be submitted in portfolio format and will contain a written summary and products (e.g., photographs, webpages, graphics, or written materials). While M.S. projects are expected to be of substantial intellectual contribution, they are not theses. Previous projects may be found at the UNL Digital Commons:
Finally, students will present about their project in a recorded seminar.
When should you take this course?
These courses are offered each semester and are designed for students who have completed at least 20 credit hours in the Online M.S. Degree Program in Entomology. ENTO 887 is a prerequisite for ENTO 888 and must be completed first. These courses should not be taken during the same semester.
The courses are offered through UNL's Learning Management System (called Canvas), where students will interact with instructors and can submit materials (the M.S. Project Coordinator can set up a folder for larger files). The proposal and project can be completed within 2-3 semesters (summer sessions count as one semester) of the term in which you enroll in ENTO 887. We recommend students plan for three semesters, one for the proposal and two for the project.
During the first semester, students will complete the idea and proposal. During the second semester or term, you can begin and/or complete the project and seminar, or you may need an additional semester to complete all requirements.
We recommend that you complete these courses at least one semester before the one in which you intend to graduate. Finishing all of the requirements for the project in one semester can be challenging, but if you register for the course during the semester you plan to graduate, you will also need to meet shortened deadlines due to paperwork needed by the Office of Graduate Studies that ensures graduation requirements have been met.
Review the links in the right-hand menu or below for more detailed information about the M.S. Proposal and M.S. Project courses.
View ENTO 887 Syllabus View ENTO 888 Syllabus