Steps in Course

  1. Topic

    Students will:

    1. Review syllabus and materials on the course website.
    2. Review project examples in Examples of Focus Areas in the course website.
    3. Brainstorm project ideas and discuss with M.S. Project Coordinator, Erin Bauer
    4. Submit project ideas for feedback from the M.S. Project Coordinator.
    5. Submit topic idea (via email) within the first week of class to the M.S. Project Coordinator for approval.

    Instructors will:

    1. Provide feedback on acceptability of topic via email.
  2. Proposal (ENTO 887)

    Students will:

    1. After the topic is approved, write the proposal. See the Proposal section of the course website.
    2. Submit the proposal within the first 5 weeks of the course to the M.S. Project Coordinator at, who will review it and send it to the rest of the M.S. Project Committee for suggestions and approval.

    Instructors will:

    1. Review the completed project proposals and provide feedback in approximately two weeks after the proposal due date.
  3. Project Portfolio (ENTO 888)

    Students will:

    1. Provide the completed M.S. project portfolio to the M.S. Project Coordinator. Please format it using the following: M.S. Project Template for Project Outline and References. Copies of materials must be provided according to project requirements outlined in the Project Requirements and Guidelines section of the course website. Depending on size, the project portfolio componments can be emailed to the M.S. Project Coordinator, submitted on Canvas, or uploaded to a shared folder that the M.S. Project Coordinator can create for you.
    2. Submit the portfolio within three semesters of registering for ENTO 887. Portfolios must be submitted no later than five weeks before the end of the semester to be considered for a grade in that semester. See the Project Submission section of the course website.

    Instructors will:

    1. Provide a written review of materials and formal approval of portfolio via email.
    2. Reviews will usually be provided within two weeks, however up to one month may be required for review.
  4. Seminar
    1. Once the project is approved, develop a Powerpoint presentation about your work. 
    2. Record your presentation and submit to the M.S. Project committee. See Seminar instructions for more detailed information.